I'd say it's about time for an update, so here it is...Episode 3 - I'm going to call it..."Geez. We need to workout!"
The S-22 obstacle course is no joke people!

The pictures that have been posted do the obstacles little justice, but...if you've ever met me, you know that I'm game to tackle anything.
First order of business was to do some wrench practice! Let me tell you (and my co-driver - Melissa, will agree wholeheartedly) that tires, a-arms, axles, etc...heavier than they may look. Let me also tell you that we are some bada$$ wrenching gals - we've got several axles changed under our belts, along with tires, drivebelts, a-arms, tierod ends, balljoints - you name it, we can do it. Feel free to bring your RZRs by for some service with a smile.
Alrighty, on to what you've all been waiting for (drum roll please!) --- rock training!
With a new winch, fuel in the RZR and carne asada in our tummies courtesy of CiscoKid (shout out to Cisco!), we were ready to slay some rocks! We practice crawling over rocks, driving over logs, winching over tires, launching the car over concrete pipes - if it was in the way, we got over it.

Pretty awesome getting through obstacles that larger vehicles have problems navigating across. Go UTVs!
Can't wait to do some more practicing! Stay tuned...