Ride In Peace Art Wood


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On Saturday night the UTV industry and the world as a whole lost a great man. Art Wood was the best damn UTV salesman I had ever known and worked with. He was my go-to when people would contact me looking for that "bro deal". Art never let me down, always extending the best deals to my friends ensuring they got the best service and experience all so that I looked good and they were stoked. He was as honest and as genuine as they come.

Art put Berts Mega Mall on the map as it pertained to UTVs. He was a regular here on UTVUnderground.com and every major event here in So Cal you could find Art shaking hands, kissing babies and making deals. When he wasn't putting people in the seat of new vehicles he was out in the desert with his family and friends living the lifestyle. He was an amazing person, someone who would always answer the phone when you needed him or respond to a text promptly.

Beyond all of Art's achievements as a salesman, he was an exceptional father and husband. He leaves behind a young son Conner and a grieving wife Shannon who will surely suffer the pain of losing their loved one for the rest of their lives.

Men like Art are not replaced and only come once in a lifetime. His energy, charisma, positive attitude and his genuine love of all things in his life will always be what I will remember. I won't soon forget all Art did for this sport and for me. I will forever remember Art Wood as one of the greatest people I ever had the chance to meet and know since starting UTVUnderground.com.

I will end this with Art's last text message to me:

"..... Thank you for taking the time to text and thanks for caring. Enjoy your family. Tomorrow is not promissed." - Art Wood

I love you Art Wood. Hold it down up there big guy. Watch over us all, I can't wait to ride the dunes of Heaven with you someday.

Your Friend,

Joey D.
What a great guy, always nice to be around. I enjoyed our time at Glamis together. RIP Art. One of my text replies from Art-

"You just made my night. Great pic and thank you. Still in hospital more test tomorrow. Hope to find out something soon. Love the pic. Please put on Facebook page. Thank you soo much for the support."


I had the privilege to know art on a personal and business level. so did my family. I was lucky enough to live and grow up very close to berts and Montclair Yamaha over the years. I would not have my utv without art, as he helped me make the move from dirtbikes to "with age the cage" he gave my family VIP treatment at offroad expo, sand sports super show, berts supercross events. art gave me 3 different berts utv shirts over the years and they will be hung in my new shop with pride. I would "check in" to berts utv on facebook when arriving at berts parking lot, and before I would hit the showroom floor he would be waiting in front of his office door waiting to chat. he will truly be missed, and it wont be the same going to the shows or even to berts to pick up oil or tires ect. I was able to say my goodbyes in an email, and he responded. life wont be the same from here out. I plan to visit his office this weekend as I have not even been able to enter the building since he first went into the hospital. godspeed, art, ride strong up there. rubber side down. see you soon. Winston gotte
Even if you didn't know Art, if you are in the SoCal area you probably know someone who did.

Take a moment to read the condolences on Art's Facebook page. You will quickly realize the kind of guy he is and how many people he in fact touched: https://www.facebook.com/art.wood.794
Good write up Joey, knowing Art for many years I would say you are spot on. Anybody that met Art cannot say anything bad about him. He always had a smile on his face when I came by the dealership and always was pushing the deal. He knew how to hustle and not look back. Gonna miss seeing him around.

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