Revisiting The California Helmet Law...


So I want to revisit the helmet law. Its been in affect for a while now and I wanted to see how everyone here in CA has adapted.

I think many of you might remember that I wasn't to opposed to it. Like everyone else I hate that its a LAW and that people are telling us what to do, but I also didn't mind since I tend to my head and my families in helmets anyway.

So, do you all still HATE wearing a helmet?

If not, what has changed and why?

What helmets have you all gravitated too?
I don't like wearing it when I just go for a cruise sometimes I do and don't wear it. Most of the time I wear it tho and don't mind.
I actually feel much safer now that I wear a helmet. Considering how fast the new sport SXS can go, wearing a helmet is a no brainer.

I went with an open face helmet, which works great in the sand.
Like most I dont like the fact that I have to wear a helmet because its a law. Do I think wearing a helmet is a good idea? Yes, but I feel as an adult and US tax paying citizen I should have the right to chose. I would have been much more in support of a helmet law for minors 18 and under. But even with that said I have had a hard time finding a helmet that fits and is safe for my 4 soon to be 5 year old to wear. Up to this point she has been wearing a skateboard helmet as it is light, and does not push her head forward like a Moto, or any other DOT helmet does on a young child. Bummer part is I have not found away to add an intercom kit to these helmets.

Up to this point we have been using Moto helmets, wired for the intercom. I have pulled out a few of my race helmets and have used them on some cold or night rides. I did not like them as much, as the ventilation is poor when not hooked up to a pumper.

When we did our Baja Adventure which I posted the story on UTVU, we chose to leave the helmets at home and just run with ball caps, goggles and headsets on. Would have wearing a helmet been a little safer? Sure, but it sure did feel good to be able to run and feel the wind in our face like the old days. If I would have brought my prerunner down to Baja, I would have never thought of wearing a helmet. I would have just used the headsets, just like I would and could legally in California, since helmets are not law in buggy's. And lets not forget you do not have to wear a helmet on a dirt bike on BLM land, Its highly suggested, but its not a law. Once again this shows this UTV helmet law is not for your safety. Its a "Cover your Ass" law that protects the UTV manufactures.

Another thing I find very interesting. This California UTV helmet law was paid for, supported and pushed through by all the UTV Manufactures aka ROVHA. They got this law passed with little to no resistance from the off-road community as they for the most part snuck it by everyone.

But now the Federal Government is proposing design standards for UTV's and now the Manufactures are upset and are trying to get all of us UTV users to get vocal and let the Federal Government know we do not support these proposed standards and want them to leave us alone.

All I can say is you reap what you sew! The manufactures had no problem paying and getting a Senator to "write" and push a bill threw the Senate floor. But now when its not in their favor, they are crying and asking us to support them. Personally all I have to say to the manufactures is "Bend over and take it like you gave it to us assholes!" Do like you did to us and find yourself another Congressmen that you can grease and get this proposal to go away.
Im a toss up on this, its a good idea to wear your helmet, but just above this thread is one on big government trying to screw us..

Personally I build all my play cars with extreme head clearance front back and
Side to side and prefer not to wear one. But to your point, I think having an intercom to talk and music is a must, it makes wearing the helmet MUCH nicer!

But I dont like politicians who I wouldnt let tie my shoes making decisions for me..

I fall under the Libertarian view, we need less regulation...our cities. Counties, state, and federal government pass thousands of laws every year, they never or rarely remove the dumb ones..they just ad to them..

Personal responsibilty needs to take precedent, you cant regulate stupid..

The first time I drove my XP I thought any parent who lets thier kid take off in one of these is an idiot, but yet I see it all the do you regulate stupid..theres so many things beside the helmet law that can kill..drunk, to young, to old, in experenced, too crowded, showing off, no flag, no seat belt, bad cage design, too dusty, unsafe assembly, too fast, dune buggy vs utv, utv vs quad, atv vs dirtbike

Its a slipery slope, we have to stop voting in liberal politicians who believe they no best with big social master plans
I live the secure feeling I have with a helmet on. I am still torn between full face helmet with pumper or MX helmet and goggles.

The only thing I hate about helmets is the piss poor speakers that come with helmet kits. Rugged needs to go talk to Dr Dre or Bose about how to make headsets.

Over my vets trip I made a night run without a helmet and just my rugged headset and boy was that nice. I could hear the machine and feel the wind .
I don't like being "Told" by government to do anything. :mad: At least in AZ we have the "Option" not to wear one if we so choose. :)

That being said, as fast as I drive my XP1K I think it's a good idea to wear it.

Currently I have a Moto Style Helmet, but I am planning on adding parker pumpers to my razor and using my race helmet.
It is really rare that I don't wear a helmet. Of course it should be a choice for adults, but damn people, put a lid on the kid. Their melons are not as thick a an adults and cannot take the abuse.

Back in my racing days my sprint car had lots of head clearance and padded bars but I took a tumble, landed on the concrete wall upside down, collapsed the roll cage, and my helmet hit the wall also. Put a crack in it. Tell me that didn't save my life! I didn't even get a headache. You just never know the circumstances that will put you in danger. So you can understand why I'm a helmet advocate.
my ears stay cleaner

Yep, that was the first thing I noticed too! And, ears stay warmer.......helmets are a good idea but California is full of Ahole politicians with their heads up their asses. If they had helmets too, it might keep them from sticking their heads so far up their Aholes. We should make them wear helmets to work.....
I feel naked without a helmet, whether it be on a dirt bike, UTV or street bike. I wore one before the law and obviously after. I don't like that it is a 'law' but when a person gets injured and doesn't have medical insurance, who pays for their care? I do and you do. The CPSC is keeping a close eye on UTVs and every time there is an injury it is reported to the aforementioned CPSC. The CPSC could have a major negative impact on our sport. So if helmets prevent injuries and therefore keep the CPSC out of our hair, I am all for mandating them.

Bagging on the manufacturers with only partial information isn't healthy. The manufacturers are fighting to keep our sport alive. They are privy to a ton of information that we aren't and are fighting to keep UTVs safe and fun. For example the CPSC is trying to mandate how UTVs are designed. Really! Who knows more about vehicle dynamics?: degreed engineers from the OEMs or lawyers and/or bureaucrats in Washington? The later wants to lower our vehicles dramatically (cut wheel travel) and make them understeer at all times. All of this is to be tested on the....wait for it...wait for it...PAVEMENT. Their argument is that the test would be repeatable. In my personal opinion an understeering vehicle would only understeer worse once it used in its intended environment, which is the dirt and this characteristic would make UTVs more dangerous not less dangerous. Imagine being on a fire road and coming into a turn a little hot. You turn the wheel but instead of a beautiful fun drift, you only go straight, maybe into a tree or off a cliff. Let the engineers design the UTVs not the lawyers. My 2 pesos!
Just like everything else in comiforni it's a slow creep into every aspect of your lives. Personal responsibility is no longer an option for all the liberal babys. I say get rid of them all and start over.
just like when the seatbelt law went into effect, we adapt. yes there is more comfort without both. but they are safety devices for a reason. so yes i wear one. fox helmet. gonna miss my headset. but at least i can use the headset for the lucas oil races or when in hammertown.
I don't like that it's a law. But, I'm a fan of my brains and head being where they are. I use a HJC AR-10 wired with fresh air. By the way, if you don't have fresh air on your utv you're missing out. I bought my wife the same helmet and she loves it. She likes that it keeps the sand and dirt out of her face.
I wore one before the law and obviously after. I don't like that it is a 'law' but when a person gets injured and doesn't have medical insurance, who pays for their care? I do and you do.

The CPSC is keeping a close eye on UTVs and every time there is an injury it is reported to the aforementioned CPSC. The CPSC could have a major negative impact on our sport. So if helmets prevent injuries and therefore keep the CPSC out of our hair, I am all for mandating them.

Matt this is a mute point as Obama Care forces all Citizens to have mandated Health Care, so we are all good now! :D

The fact is you are at greater risk of neck & spine injuries then a blunt force hit to the head in a UTV or off-road buggy. Its also been proven that the added weight of the helmet adds extra strain on your neck in a high G impact. Its scientifically proven that wearing a H&N (Head & Neck Device) will reduce neck & spine injuries which are caused by G forces introduced to the body. We see these G forces all the time in off road. If you dont believe me face your GoPro towards the riders and watch how much you move in your seat and how much your head & neck move vs your shoulders. You will also be suprised how loose your seat belts look in the video. It will make you pull them tighter next time.

So should we be OK with the manufactures or the Government mandating that all off-road users wear H&N devices? Or is that taking it to far? Then again many will tell you that they feel the Government telling you to wear a helmet is taking it to far.

Like I've said; I too feel very comfortable with a helmet on, I do agree that Children should be mandated as many parents are not always smart enough or think clearly enough to know that a child should have added protection. With that said I have found it very hard to find proper fitting, light weight helmets for kids, especially when D.O.T is part of the mandate, which makes following the law to the "T" very hard.
I still dont agree with BIG Government tell us how to live our lives and how to protect ourselves. Hence the reason I dont have a dog in this fight anymore. Do I miss going to the dunes??? Absolutely! I hate the fact that Big Government took something from me that I loved so much. Is it safer to wear a helmet...Sure. But if your strapped in correctly in a properly built car your head shouldn't be able to come close to hitting anything.
I still dont agree with BIG Government tell us how to live our lives and how to protect ourselves. Hence the reason I dont have a dog in this fight anymore. Do I miss going to the dunes??? Absolutely! I hate the fact that Big Government took something from me that I loved so much. Is it safer to wear a helmet...Sure. But if your strapped in correctly in a properly built car your head shouldn't be able to come close to hitting anything.

Jim you should be exempt from this law anyway because it would be impossible to find a helmet to fit that big ole melon of yours! :D

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