All UTV's reliability out of a new model, what should we expect?


Well-Known Member
first off i dont want this to turn into to a bashing thread. Please keep coments about mine is better than yours to yourself.

When a consumer buys a first production year of A product what should they expext in terms of relibility? And what recourse does the consumer have?

My example. The 2013 Canam Maverick. It has been avalible to the public for almost 4 months. There is a few issues with this machine that the owners are experiancing. Clutch bolt breaking, starter quits working, and plastic bushings melting. Now there are not "i heard it from my uncles coworkers friend" issues but real issues with picture proof and dealer fixes with one recall fix.

At this point I am personally concerned about taking my Maverick out for a camping trip 200 miles away from home and having the machine break and ruining my trip.

I would assume BRP will fix all the issues at no cost but what after the 6 month factory warranty runs out? I am not a fan of extended warranties since i modify my machines too much and a warranty would be worthless to me.

I guess i am really asking is what have the manufacturers done in the past? The wildcat seems to have its first two years of issues. Do they stand behind their products or after 6 months am i SOL?

sorry for venting but i am getting frustrated with not being able to ride my machine without worries of how i am going to get back to my truck if it breaks.

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I have never really been a believer of not buying on the first model year of a new vehicle. I have bought several vehicles that to this day were some of my best on their first year. I actually believe the first couple years, some items are overbuilt and then scaled back to increase profit margins. Much like the 2013 XP doing away with the dry sump. I think in most cases the mfg thourouly tests new vehicles prior to release and it is their suppliers that cut corners as orders rush in that reflect on the mfg. I would not let it hold me back from a it and roll the dice and move forward. I am sure BRP will make it right in the end.
When a consumer buys a first production year of A product what should they expext in terms of relibility? And what recourse does the consumer have?

These are good questions... I know that my buddy and I bought Teryx's on the same day and from the same dealer. From day one he has had cooling issues and mine has ran just fine with over 4,200 miles. I don't know what the difference is except his was made on a monday and mine on a tuesday. At the end of the day, it seems to me that the manufacturers leave you out to dry. I had a problem with a high rpm miss. I took it the dealer and they said I needed to replace both the secondary and primary sheaves, belt and fuel pump. They also said that Kawi would only cover the pump. The total cost was $2,800 for everything. :eek: I told them that it wasn't the problem but if they could get the warranty to pay for it then so be it. Low and behold I had another warranty that was not Kawi's good times protection plan and they covered it, when kawi would not. Well after the dealer did all the warranty work it cost me $128 but it wasn't fixed. I ended up diagnosing it myself. It was a crank position sensor. I had Chris at Benchmark replace it. Bottom line... the manufacturer wasn't there for me and thier dealer/mechanic was wrong. Sometimes it's the roll of the dice on these things and also how well we service them. I have to add oil to my car everyday I ride it. That's pretty unacceptable, but I do it because I don't want to lock up the motor. I hope that helps, warranties are a hassle...
I look at it this way, in any of the power sports, it's buyer beware. Can Am has a crappy two piece primary. Their not going to do anything about it. At least there's a fix (aftermarket). Rzr xp, I know that there is a problem with the motor mount breaking. And it's part of the engine case! Popo will say that you jumped it and deny warranty. And after 6 months, your definitely sol! I believe that there is an aftermarket fix for it also. Wildcat, I quit watching them when the Maverick was announced! We've all seen countless problems with these off road vehicles. We all also spend alot of money on them for things we want. Sometimes we should learn from others problems and buy what the machine needs! Or stick to stock Jeeps!
I have bought a lot of first year machines/ vehicles over the years and have been pretty lucky so far. The only really issue I have ever had was the 1999.5 Chevy Silverado that took 5 stearing racks to finally fix the problem. No issues on my first year Rzr's 2008 and 2011 xp900. Infact on the 900's we bought 3 of them and none have had issues. So I think it can be a hit or miss thing and I have been lucky overall. Sorry to hear about your problems and I would say just drive the help out of it. Try to fix any problems that have been found by others if you can, but the machine is made to be used. Good luck and good times.
I think all new machines should be reliable. And for the most part all the new machines are very reliable. The manufactures do a ton of testing before a machine is released. The problem, as stated above, is the suppliers not always providing a quality part.

Being on the forums we just seem to see more of the problems come up. The forums are a small sample of what is actually out there being driven everyday without issues.

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