Yamaha Ready for long travel.

Ok thanks, it will be just a little bit till I'm ready to bite the bullet but that is certainly the best deal I've found so far. Appreciate it thanks.
I would buy the hcr kit but that is my opinion. Pm if you want more info on it and why I would get it. Hcr is always having good sales going on that would be the time to buy. Also I know first hand they go out with king shocks and do 100's of miles of shock testing to dial it in.
I would buy the hcr kit but that is my opinion. Pm if you want more info on it and why I would get it. Hcr is always having good sales going on that would be the time to buy. Also I know first hand they go out with king shocks and do 100's of miles of shock testing to dial it in.
You are right. I hear that HCR is going out to Barstow to dial in the XP long travel in Barstow. I've seen the work that the guys have put into the XP and it is awsome.

The Commander is next. This should be the first real 'bolt on' boxed long travel for the commander.

I have HCR long travel on my RZRS and never would have made it through KOH with out it. Came out of the race with nothing broken..nada, zip.

IMO, HCR boxed long travel is an excellent product, manufactured by a great bunch of guys.

Who has first hand experience the hcr kit? I noticed it uses the stock ball joints, is that a good thing or bad, are they going to hold up very well? I do mostly rock crawling and trail riding, with the occasional whoops and jumps.


I have HCR on my RZR S. I came in 5th at KOH, and never would have made it without the HCR system.

You see, I am a 58 y-o woman that is fairly disabled (couple of back surgeries, busted up arm, knee replacement, etc)... I ran KOH with HCR long travel, and I doubt that there is any other long travel system that can offer the comfort that HCR offers. The woops were easy, and the rocks were a piece of cake.. :D Nothing broke, and since hammers the RZR has been driven out at Sand Hollow and 'out back' with no adjustments needed AFTER running Hammers. (it did go in today to get new skid plates tho) ;) HCR offers a bunch of good stuff...

Well, that's my story and I'm stickin to it. ;)

I've just been weighing all my options, trying to decide if I should keep dumping money into the rhino or sell it and get a rzr 4 and put a bench seat in place of the rear buckets cause I always pack the wife and 2 kids around. But we just found out that we have another kid on the way. So, not quite sure if sticking with the rhino is my best bet yet.
my 2 cents...sell your rhino. The guys that I've met with familys love their RZR 4's.


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