All UTV's Quick Light, can it be trimmed shorter?


Well-Known Member
i ahve a 6' quick light (lighter fiberoptic whip) and it is too long or my maverick drives too fast and it flops around and hits my Rugged antenna. i would like to trim it down to 4' long.

it looks like i can remove the top cap and cut it and replace the cap.

anyone know?
If its a fiber optic light where the bulb is at the base then you should be able to remove your top cap and cut it down. Use a hot knife to do this!!
haha i watched it. i think we need to edit that video a little . like the football guys video where they change waht they are saying.

dammit i dont have video editing skillz or i would be all over it.
At SSSS the Quick Light booth was cutting bits of the fiber optic rod, I believe with handheld pruning shears. It was to show the product. I'm sure if you drop them a line they can fill you in. As far as the video Joey, I dont know you enough to harass you, but i guess we all have skeletons in our closet.
Ha Ha

I love the part where you say "i'm gonna get my tip in place" "Now I like to slide my tip all the way down"

LOL im sure we all regret old videos from out past. im hoping pam anderson does not share that video of me and her from 1998 :rolleyes:

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