I could be wrong but I believe Joey was asking about the one on the red vent rzr as all the other tires in this thread are pretty easily identified. If so those are EFX Moto MTC's as far as I can tell.
that thing will be sweet with a real cage and some doors..
they priced them yet?
Heres anothers photo of the similar build.
Got some shiny Muzzys dual exhaust installed on the RZR 4 today. Their standard RZR system fits just fine.
I also have Factory UTV a-arm guards on it so I won't beat it up too bad at King of the Hammers.
Jon, is the muzzy that fits ths RZR4 the same as the RZR, or S. We are thinking of going with a muzzy on it. Not getting the best out of the DMC we have on the race RZRS.