1483lbs dry, no driver
I know you will delete anything not needed to get to the weight you built it for and then re-engineer accordingly. You will then go with composites and titanium where needed. Filled up with helium in the frame tubes and tires. However your confidence disturbs me... So I will go 1583wow,you doing that to flatter me or really beleive it?
I know you will delete anything not needed to get to the weight you built it for and then re-engineer accordingly. You will then go with composites and titanium where needed. Filled up with helium in the frame tubes and tires.
I'll wait till you have all four, and ill take them in unpowdercoated....
Well, we powdercoat all of them textured black as part of the manufacturing process. So you will have to blast off the coating, if you want to do them another color. sorry. Hit me up next week, and we should have them ready to go.
1680lbs no driver.
Thing runs like a champ! Just dropped in a bigger motor in it do I'm enjoying it even more. Paul created a monster gettin me into this stuff!
Your ride looks insane!
Dude, I'm addicted to that baby! She's awesome! I already got her a Glamis outfit from the beach store. LOL
Do you have another SxS you are driving until this build is done?
Btw: what the hell does your profile name mean? LOL
Looks sweet John, I cant wait to see you come out and win SOBOBA????
Nice! We have a roller! Great work JP