OHV's in the Lake Havasu Area


How BAD do you want your LAND? - UTVUnderground Ap
3-4 years ago BLM requested from the local clubs to assist them with acquiring all the GPS coordinates to all the trails located in Havasu. They told us it was to “protect us from losing our public land.” The local clubs gladly accepted using their own GPS units and off road vehicles to drive BLM representatives through every trail in Havasu. This was all volunteer BLM did not financially assist anyone with this.

Two days ago BLM held a meeting to close most of the off road trails in Lake Havasu City. They did not advertise until two days before that they were having a meeting, in the middle of August when most of our residence (winter visitors) would not be in town. They pushed the already set meeting from November to August without notifying us and probably hoped no one would show up. Local clubs found out about the meeting and showed up for the meeting only to find that they were giving
us 30 days to “justify” why they should keep the trails open. The maps they provided were poor topo maps that had no GIS features on them what so ever (no streets, land marks or any other identifying marks). We were unable to determine what or where the trails were due to there being no GPS coordinates on the trail identifiers. We also asked them to identify why the identified trails were being closed and they could not provide us that information. When we asked them how to obtain that
information so we could go justify trails that need to stay open they told us it would take “60-90 days to figure that out and they were not even sure if they could get us the information that we need to justify keeping our trails open. Mind you we only have 30 days to do this, did I mention the average temperature has been around 115-120 out here in Havasu during the time we have to complete this?

We need all the help we can get, this ALL of OUR public land that we pay taxes to use and we are very close to losing. This effects everyone, from the family who is riding bikes, quads, and side by sides to the hunter who is out trying harvest an animal on his/her dream hunt. What about the nature watcher or the geo-cache? It affects us all, even the economy here in Havasu. Local gas stations, convenience stores, auto repair shops, off road shops, fabrication shops, motor cycle shops, etc.

Is there any way you can forward this email link to your members, family and friends? Pirate 4×4 is assisting us by putting up a letter generator. What this does is it makes extremely simple for anyone to send Havasu BLM an email to let them know that they need to extend the Travel Management Plan from 30 days to more. All you have to do is click on the link and take one minute out of your day to let BLM know how you feel in your own words. This letter generator was set up from the same guys who helped save the Rubicon and they have offered to help us.

Go here: http://www.pirate4x4.com/letters/

Fill out the info here is an example of what I put in the letter.

Dear Local On The Ground,

I am writing to ask you to extend the comment and review period for the Havasu Travel Management Plan for 60 days beyond September 17. This additional time is important for proper review of the information and maps. For this process to be handled appropriately, everyone needs ample
time to do a thorough study to make reasonable decisions instead of rushing because of a short timeline. An extended timeline will benefit everyone involved.


Shane Miller
Parker 4 Wheelers
Link to BLM’s website with
maps: www.blm.gov/az/st/en/fo/lake_havasu_field.html
Hate to say it, but perhaps we can show them by keeping our hard earned $$ for those that support us & our sports. I'm sure if the local businesses feel it enough in their pockets they'll speak up & take action as well............maybe?

Form letters are concidered only 1 reply as far as the BLM goes...write your letter individually. If they get 1,000 letters that read the same, it is counted as 1.

They did the same thing for the lower Gila travel plan, juked the jeep club into giving them trail coordinates, and then moved almost all of them to the closed list! Show up at the meeting and make your voice heard, otherwise they will close areas.

Good Luck!
We got an extension, we have till Oct. They got over 600 letters they were suprised how fast we came at them, good job to all that wrote letters. I have a buddy that is starting an offroad club here in Havasu for all quad riders motorcycle riders and us utv guys. The jeepers all ready have a club and are really involved in this effort.
We got an extension, we have till Oct. They got over 600 letters they were suprised how fast we came at them, good job to all that wrote letters. I have a buddy that is starting an offroad club here in Havasu for all quad riders motorcycle riders and us utv guys. The jeepers all ready have a club and are really involved in this effort.

Good news!

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