Active Member
yeah. ^^^^
1927 leading thru RM107
1921 second at RM107.
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1908 (Cognito) not seen by tracker for 1.5 hours. 1917 (Murrays) back moving and on course.
1908 (Cognito) not seen by tracker for 1.5 hours. 1917 (Murrays) back moving and on course.
Cognitos tracker didnt work at V2R or Blue Water either, and this a different tracker for baja..........
Joey, if you look at the top corner (right) when you are trying to get 1908 info; it says not seen for an hour and half.
UTVUG camera crew at 107. I am using Matt Marteli as a tracker.
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amazing run for Wes right now. I bet he is loving the lead and not feeling so much pressureSolid run for Wes Miller in the 1988 right now.. wonder if he can keep this pace!?
Good Good Good !Dustin just text me and said Murrays car blew a oil seal on the transmission....been down for 2 hours and just got it fixed.