Official UTVUnderground Baja 1000 Update Thread

We are over halfway there! Team UTV INC @ MM 660 - 1st Overall - 32 miles in front of Jagged X.
My guess was we see the first UTV's through check 5 around sun rise which is around 6am. Even at that your looking at a 39mph average. A single bottle neck, stuck in a silt bed or any mechanical issues in the dark and you can tack on several hours.

I'm going to guess the average speed for the winning UTV is in the low to mid 30's. I have been wrong before, but I think averaging anything over 40 is going to be really tough. Like I mentioned in a previous post. I think the Check Point time limits are going to a huge factor in this race. Lets hope at the drivers meeting they announce that they are extending the overall time limit and extending a few check point times.

Well my guesstimate was pretty spot on. I check in at 6:15am and the top 3 cars had cleared Check Point 5 around 5:50-6:00am. With a 2:45 start time that put them right around 38 mph.

I'm also impressed that teams like the UTV inc. crew are not only up front & leading but still running. Not knocking them, but I know how hard this race is and how little experience they have. I honestly expected to see several of these teams out of it by morning. So congrats to all those who fought off the night time demons and are still running hard! This race is long from over and anything can happen.
Brandon is driving! hes young and has a steel bladder! We are working on getting back up and running!

Jagged X just passed us... we have half the race to go!

Serious battles. We heard at one point the just after Brandon Schueler got in the @jaggedxracing @polarisrzr that they caught the @utvinc @polarisrzr - a pass was made but then an impact occurred between the 2 causing the 1932 to go into a roll over breaking a hub and axle. Repairs were made and now the 1932 has regained the lead with the 1919 now being down! Crazy race!!

***this Intel is a little old. My service has been spotty as we try to get you guys this information***

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