Official UTVUnderground 2016 Parker 250 Update Thread

So, I have a question about the Can Am system. From what I understand, You can (through the instrument cluster) adjust the tire size on the Mav. By telling the cluster that the car has 24 inch tires and then running a 30+ inch tire the cluster tells the ecu to make the vehicle run up to it's advertised speed of 77-78 mph? Because of the roll out of the larger tire the actual ground speed is increased to 83-84? ?

Can this change be done without the use of a computer and or software?

Not sure if those numbers are exactly correct but I know the stock Mav Turbo runs very close to the stock XP turbo which is controlled at 77mph. That is in "factory delivered" form.

In order to do this, the Cluster must tell the ECU to make some kind of change. the only way to get 24" tires to go 78 mph is to increase the input shaft speed in the tranny. The only way to do that is to increase the rpm of the motor. This is of course assuming there are no clutch adjustments made and in this case we know there are not.

So the question I have is; How is this not the same as flashing? and how is this not a competitive advantage for one manufacturer?

The rules were put in place after it was made clear that one manufacturers system did not have this feature and that the "speed limiter" was locked into their ECU. While the other manufacturer made this feature user accessible.

I really don't understand why the Turbo rules can't be the same as the N/A rule with regards to what you can and can't do. I agree with Strip shop that the rules currently are far too complex and quite frankly a pain in the butt for the racers. I don't think that the UTVRA has the understanding or the equipment to accurately enforce these rules.

Long and short of it is that we have apples and oranges in the same box and we all know you can't do that. LOL. When A/C releases their turbo there will be a whole other system for the Assoc. to deal with and so on.
Bill why cant I find any Jagged X team shirts on your website for sale? I need me some Jagged X SWAGo_O
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the polaris and can-am both are limited with RPM. they have rev limiters that control their speed. when the clutch finishes its maximum throw, you rev up and hit the rev limiter and are held at that speed.

the XP1000 N/A has a throw limiter in the clutch, that limits how far the clutch can open and close, and limits you to around 76-77mph. once you remove this shim you can go faster, with the clutch closing more, you will then hit the 80mph speed govenor in the ECU. you can remove this only by a reflash

the XPTurbo has a rev limiter. once the clutch maxes out its throw, you then run up and hit the rev limiter around 77mph. tricks to the clutch will get you to about 82 and thats pushing it. there is no speed limiter in the XPT that i have found. only the rev limiter you hit when the clutch maxes out.

the exact same goes for the Maverick Turbo. there is no speed limiter in their ECU. the clutch maxes out its throw and you run up and hit the rev limiter. the clutch will only close a certain amount based on how the clutch is built. tricks in the clutch will net you an overall taller ratio, and pick the 77-78 mph they will do stock, into the 80s. with the 30" tires you can reach 84-85mph. the programming of the speedometer to match the size of the tires is to correct the instrument cluster. this doesnt get around a speed limiter. there is no speed limiter.

i had a 100% stock XPT straight out of the box, no reflash, 1 mile on it, and did my clutch work and with 32" tires it ran 86mph GPS. that was just a shade over 80-81 on the dash. there isnt a speed limiter. its limited by the clutches throw. the XPT will run the same speeds as the can-am there is no favortism. there is no advantage from one team to the next except for clutch work.
Have to dis agree just a bit,
The xpt does in fact have a speed limiter.
At 77 mph the ecu actually pulls the throttle plates closed. The speed sensor is driven on the
Ring gear in the tranny. If the speed sensor is bypassed then the ecu has a hard rev limiter at 8450 rpm.

Clutch work will work but when the ring gear hits77 the the throttle plates close. Bigger tires will increase ground speed
I still want to know how you adjust tire size on the can am?
According to the dealer I spoke with there is no consumer accessible tire size calibration on the can am
I still want to know how you adjust tire size on the can am?
According to the dealer I spoke with there is no consumer accessible tire size calibration on the can am

It is only adjustable via Can-Am BUDS software which is supposed to be Dealer only, but some of us have it... Under vehicle settings you can alter tire size from 25" to 31" and also have a "invalid" option. What happens when you enter "invalid"? I have no idea, lol.
If it closes the throttle bodies after sensing 77mph then it's not closing them enough to keep you from accelerating to 80.

The N/A maverick will do this if you hit the soft rev limiter at 8050. Your hard rev limiter is 8250. But if you over rev the motor and hit the 8050 soft rev limiter the ecu will begin to close the throttlebody in order to keep you from rev'ing past 8050. You can still squeeze a few more mph out of it if you back outta 100% throttle and let it cruise at about 80% throttle. We have had the N/A and turbo mavericks well into the 80s with clutch work only. Neither have a speed limiter.

The XPturbo we ran didn't have any alterations to the ecu or speed sensor and we were able to get 81 on the dash and 86 on the GPS. The throttle plates may be beginning to close after 77mph but it's not shutting the machine down at 77. You're still able to climb past it.
Bill, the rules will always be a clusterfuck as long as just one person is making them. In general terms, rule making is done by a committee or group with the objective to think it thru and excersize some forward thinking process. No one person is smart enough to cover all the angles including Cory......I know hard to believe. So dick tripping is gonna happen from time to time. At least he's not writing tax code.
It really sounds like everyone would have been much happier if the Turbo cars had to race in the unlimited class like the rules accounted for prior to the 2015 change. There would have been no need to police anything except displacement and safety. All the teams no matter the manufacturer would have been able to go head to head, sponsors from factory to aftermarket could have all remained involved, and each team would have been able to push their car as hard and fast as they could make it.

Does it get any simpler than that? But since so many people discredited the unlimited class as a bunch of frankensteins that hardly finish and even made statement of the class demise very few petitioned for this option. It would have been good for everyone, EVEN THE FACTORY BACKED TEAMS.

Just think JaggedX, S3 and the rest of the 900 number cars would have had over 20 in class which means more points per position. We finished 17 and got equal points as the 6 or 7 place turbo car. I think Justin got the best present ever when UTVRA told him he couldn't switch classes after race 1. Just by class association he is set to win the championship due to car numbers. That is unless car number completely disappear or a rule change happens with overall championship going to fastest time for mileage without any throw outs (that would be a cool thing).
Turbo car get bonus points at the end of the season !
I cant even test my fucking race car to get it ready for the next race as ECUs are on back order and the race officials took the only one I had ... how fucked up is that ? no fucking ecu to test my car hello ?

Turbo car get bonus points at the end of the season !
I cant even test my fucking race car to get it ready for the next race as ECUs are on back order and the race officials took the only one I had ... how fucked up is that ? no fucking ecu to test my car hello ?

This is the next problem all Polaris ecu pulled after race, if not mistaken had to push utv on trailer. Cant check why check engine light is on, cant do anything until UTVRA gets you ecu back. How many CAN AM ecm were pulled and had to push on trailer. Shouldn't all ecu/ecm been pulled from every turbo. What would even be funnier UTVRA sends it COD lol. Then you wonder why all CAN AM teams have a target on there back. Its because your team mate UTVRA keeps doing it. S3/ shane/turbo better get some thicker skin.
If you think you need the ecu to break into it and little piece of tape to keep people from doing it. Watch fast and loud with the 2015 hell cat motor were does he plug into, the data port to change setting. These guys that are breaking into ecu are super smart can read any code and out smart UTVRA all day long.
Turbo car get bonus points at the end of the season !
I cant even test my fucking race car to get it ready for the next race as ECUs are on back order and the race officials took the only one I had ... how fucked up is that ? no fucking ecu to test my car hello ?


Maybe you should put a Can Am one in it. I hear they are the ones to have. With a big selection of valet keys in all the rainbow colors...Cory might have a spare.

I think more people should get on the band wagon.

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This is the next problem all Polaris ecu pulled after race, if not mistaken had to push utv on trailer. Cant check why check engine light is on, cant do anything until UTVRA gets you ecu back. How many CAN AM ecm were pulled and had to push on trailer. Shouldn't all ecu/ecm been pulled from every turbo. What would even be funnier UTVRA sends it COD lol. Then you wonder why all CAN AM teams have a target on there back. Its because your team mate UTVRA keeps doing it. S3/ shane/turbo better get some thicker skin.

I agree all the ECM's should have been taken to make everyone feel good and to make things fair, but its not my call and when we asked why ours wernt the answer was because he just put that ecm in our car and he said with the Buds he got from Can-am he can check whether the other Can-am ecms are modified.

I've been reading on this forum for quite a while, even before we started to race in BITD.... IMO I honestly dont think anything Cory does will make the masses happy as long as hes in tech whether its good for the sport or not because he races a Can-am... . And the stripping shop don't worry about my skin, its very thick... you think this really upsets me or S3 LOL, we find it very comical and Dustin and I laugh about all this! We have been accused of cheating in every form of racing we do, so its not out of the norm for us.
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Maybe you should put a Can Am one in it. I hear they are the ones to have. With a big selection of valet keys in all the rainbow colors...Cory might have a spare.

I think more people should get on the band wagon.

They even have a key that can makes you out drive the competition! Hello lol!
I smile every time can am beats polaris. I hope S3, Murray's and the other CanAm teams absolutely wipe their asses on polaris this year. I'm tired of polaris and their domination ... meanwhile churning out chit boxes of poor quality at insanely ridiculous prices. Polaris as a company sux.
I smile every time can am beats polaris. I hope S3, Murray's and the other CanAm teams absolutely wipe their asses on polaris this year. I'm tired of polaris and their domination ... meanwhile churning out chit boxes of poor quality at insanely ridiculous prices. Polaris as a company sux.

How do you feel when a Naturally Aspirated RZR beats all the turbo guys.

If you aint first your last.......

Did you just say Domination????? Doesn't say much for the Canned Ham huh to get DOMINATED.

And I'm not sure Its Canned Hamm and Much as S3. I'm Cory makes the rules and WELL..... YEAH.

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