Official UTVUnderground 2016 Baja 1000 Update Thread

Can Am issued a no sell recall today. Steering gear is locking up.
I was wondering if that had something to do with it but they have a fix and couldve air freighted a new rack in time for the race
Thank you jajl22. Than what was with all the social media stuff about the new arctic cat's with Robby Gordon and Sheldon Creed?

Robby Gordon was brought in as a marketing/development partner with ARCTIC CAT

There are 3 of his style/designed "new wildcats" in the race he is just not personally driving any of them that i know of.

Sheldon Creed is driving one of them

Todd Romano is driving one of them

?????? not sure who is driving the last one but there are 3 of them entered into the race.
Robby Gordon was brought in as a marketing/development partner with ARCTIC CAT

There are 3 of his style/designed "new wildcats" in the race he is just not personally driving any of them that i know of.

Sheldon Creed is driving one of them

Todd Romano is driving one of them

?????? not sure who is driving the last one but there are 3 of them entered into the race.

There are no rules about entering and running in multiple classes. People do it all the time. Clyde Stacey who owns all the RPM race trucks and cars, has his name on every single entry, and rarely gets in. Cameron Steel used to enter in a bike and TT, He start on the bike, jump off and head back to town to start the TT, or get in the TT at the halfway point. RG is listed a driver on one of the Arctic Cats, so its very possible after he finishes in the TT class, that he goes back and runs the last 100 miles or so in the UTV. Same deal if the TT brakes. He could get in a UTV and runs some miles in it.
Im almost positive that I saw sheldon start on the live feed. It was still smoking really bad....

And if the tracker is half right, Wayne could have a 6 mile lead already??
Creed did start.. I am exporting video right now, just working on a dinosaur of a PC so its taking forever. But nothing on the tracker for him at all. Matlock shows way out front.
You sure? That looked like his regular Maverick at the start line.

On Insta a bit ago Can Am wished him luck today in the X3 and showed a pic of him infront of an X3 with his divers suite on. The car had a tiger lights sticker across it also. .....but if you saw him in the Maverick. Would can am intentionally post that ?

Did Creed not make it off the line or does his tracker just not work ?
Creed made it off the line. I have video of it.

I might be wrong on Cory but I thought it was his yellow old school maverick.

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