Official UTVUnderground 2013 LOORRS So-Cal Regional RD4 Photos & Results

I heard they were a lot more strict on UTV Tech this round....

Heard some UTV's failed post race inspection. Anyone have any news on what happened? I did not get a chance to make it out so I'm not sure what the details were...
They had them stacked and being inspected, did not here if anyone failed either. it sure was making for some interesting conversation to say the least.

I heard they were basing inspection off of compression readings taken at the track, and yes I heard some did not pass.

Seems like a BS method of inspection seeing as how so much can be changed without drastically effecting cranking compression....

Alba Racing
Yeah that is a BS way to Tech. Cylinder pressure should just be one of a few things checked, hopefully. Seems like there are a lot of rules being broke other that just cylinder pressure....?

I hope there are not very many people caught cheating, that would not look very well for this class since it has not really been equal racing.... if this is true.

Funny how there is a lot of rules in their rulebook, but none have really been enforced...?

Since there is obviously some cars that will not pass and some that already did NOT pass, will the new results be posted? I have herd from several drivers that raced, that there were some people who did not pass Tech on Saturday... hmmmmm interesting. Should just be one Unlimited Class or enforce some rules.

Or just say DGAF and race demolition style haha
After the race they checked compression and one of our cars was the last one getting checked I asked the tech guy and he said everybody's cars were checking out to be around the same. He told me that nobody was out of the ordinary on the check.
Thats good to hear....

I was not there but have heard from several people that some will not pass the tech, rumor has it... lol. If all XP's passed tech then obviously some rules are overlooked in this class and racers need to find out which ones are over looked... so the cars are equal haha too funny.
I heard they were basing inspection off of compression readings taken at the track, and yes I heard some did not pass.

Seems like a BS method of inspection seeing as how so much can be changed without drastically effecting cranking compression....

Alba Racing

Only a motor guy would know that, most racers are not going to ask a motor guy to build a cheater and if they did I would hope the motor shops wouldn't do it. People can still buy big cams and HC pistons over the internets & install them their selves....just sayin.

This test was simple, lets do a cross section of the racers, compare numbers, look for any variations but more importantly, lets see how the racers react to being tested...lets see who bitches, weirds out or, just skips tech all together.

And just so some people don't think "Cool, now that I've been checked I'm cheating" I would suggest LORORS tech everyone again at the next race using this...
They should have this for the ProLite and ProBuggy class anyway.
my .02

Or just say DGAF and race demolition style haha

Isn't that called WORCS?

I was not there but have heard from several people that some will not pass the tech, rumor has it...

Rumor has it...Im a nice guy, dont believe every rumor you hear...;)

I dont know about anyone else but I can tell you the engine in the second place car is stock, in fact I'm glad they tech'd, our spark plugs were loose.

Cheating, its pretty easy, if I beat you I had a good race but if you beat me you must be cheating, right? Thats how how all the rumors get started it seems.

I know during our SR1 days everyone knew everyone was playing with cam timing. Weller, Mittag, Cody, and I think Beat were all opened up at Firebird, we all popped our covers, Sappington acted like he knew what he was looking for, the rest of us eyeballed each others stuff, put our it back together and raced the next day.

Heres the fun news, if Cody doesnt race next year I have volunteered to be UTV tech for LORORS if they'll have me, anyone excited about that? Remember what I said about rumors above....
Stock?? Doug, I thought the RZR had the special Camp RZR Motor Package that Beau Baron got a couple years ago??? hahhahaa

This is the thread that really makes me miss Poflo... rest in peace buddy
Stock?? Doug, I thought the RZR had the special Camp RZR Motor Package that Beau Baron got a couple years ago??? hahhahaa

Shhh, I only shared that secret with 19 of my closest friends, 21 if you count the two LORORS tech guys...

Bottom line is this, Stock XP is a great class, please lets keep it that way. If you want to start building your engines just move into the next best class, UnLimited UTV. Wanna go ProLite fast without the ProLite budget, SR1 is for you.
I found this on the ground after every one left Tec, Im not judging Im just sayin :eek:


Ah, the good ol' days of trying to keep a stock class stock. It takes an iron fist, pissing off a LOT of people, taking alot of abuse, and enforcing the rules equally to make that happen. We teched for the RRL class waaaaaay back is VERY hard. I don't envy ANYone who has to work in tech....let alone anyone who finds something they probably didn't want to see.

I logged on to give Joey sh*t about not giving the AZ Regionals some love, but I got all distracted here - lol! :D

FWIW, I think you would be an awesome tech, Doug!

PS - 13 SR1's in Yuma this weekend.....I think we'd have almost 20 with some of the new cars if we can all manage to get in the same place again! :)

Ah, the good ol' days of trying to keep a stock class stock. It takes an iron fist, pissing off a LOT of people, taking alot of abuse, and enforcing the rules equally to make that happen. We teched for the RRL class waaaaaay back is VERY hard. I don't envy ANYone who has to work in tech....let alone anyone who finds something they probably didn't want to see.

I logged on to give Joey sh*t about not giving the AZ Regionals some love, but I got all distracted here - lol! :D

FWIW, I think you would be an awesome tech, Doug!

PS - 13 SR1's in Yuma this weekend.....I think we'd have almost 20 with some of the new cars if we can all manage to get in the same place again! :)

I knew the minute I opened up my photos from Aaron and saw no SR1 photos that SOMEONE was going to give me shit.. lol then again, I didn't even think about the AZ regional being the same day... Once again, I need 3 of me!!! hahah Sorry to all SR1 racers for not having coverage of you guys. Nothing personal, I just got what I got in terms of photos.
No biggie....until replication is a common thing, we are stuck with one of you, Joey! ;o) Great pics - good stuff!
Well here it is...My car DID NOT meet their window of compression. They then asked me to open my valve cover to inspect cams. Of which were found to be STOCK. My motor didnt have the compression needed to be in their window. I guess now i know i must have a problem. Odd
I think the comp test they did was a start in the right direction. I also think that some people have questionable motors. I personally was standing next to a guy that asked why we had to line up for tech again and I told him they are doing comp test. He looked at me like a deer in headlights and said shit and walked away. So either he thought he was funny to say that or he had some questionable stuff???

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