A lot of this stems from an earlier post (months ago) that I made in regards to building a sport 'the old fashioned way' vs expecting some corporation to hold your hand while doing it.
People love stories. They thirst for characters. Good guys, bad guys, even women who 'school them' or a hapless peon coming out of nowhere to compete and somehow win. From what I can gather, this class already has plenty of character, drama and intrigue if hands were truly forced in terms of the manufacturers/build teams/aftermarket sellers. If you don't have more than one or two Reids/George(s) stirring the pot...who cares?
Half of it doesn't even have to be true (and many times in the past it was not)...yet that is how America was, is and probably always will be in terms of building a solid brand.
FaceCrack, InstaGrabAss, MyAppCrack...none of that garbage will ever replace somebody telling an actual GOOD story to the masses that they all are willing to consume on an easily transferrable basis free of sorting through.
Yeah, some of us are 'old'..yet at least we were able to get
excited about our favorite sports over a long period of time before it was socially unacceptable to be a Johnny or a Reid.
No ill intentions to anyone..just strolling down memory lane without my cell phone showing me the way.