Ill be drunk when the booyaas are taking place!!
I expect all you FAWKERS to be at the Bob Wayne show Thursday night after pit crew challenge!!
Drinks on Rusty and BSJX!! I heard...??
Best of luck to all the UTV's racing the Mint 200! Yes I'm still bitter about how they reduced the mileage. Only 5 classes are going to race the full 400 miles. Lame!
Until Mad Media & BITD figure this out and let every entry run the full 400 miles I will NEVER race the Mint again. The Mint was not just a race, it was more then that, it's was an experience. It was like the U.S version of the Baja 1000, as just being apart of the race is special experience. Everyone wants to win the Baja 1000, but just finishing is a big deal too. That was how the Real Mint 400 was. Only one team per class can win, but the real challenge was overcoming adversity and finishing. I get that we will never have the real Mint 400 back, as the real Mint raced on a totally different part of the Nevada desert, and had silt beds that swallowed cars. Primm & Jean were only used during the end when developers built on the old race course.
But selling today's version of the Mint 400 and only allowing the majority of the racers too race 2 or 3 laps is a shame. On top of that this is pretty much the same course BITD & Snore use through out the year, so it's not like the course itself is anything special.
Now with all this said I wish every UTV racer the best of luck and hope as many of you can finish the Mint to prove you deserve to run the same mileage as everyone else.
Time to get the banter going!
-The Beer Hauler will be there to show off on BITD's 'Memory Lane' on Fremont Street. Woot...woot!
-Sean Cook will make his long awaited return to BITD. Rumor has it that he and Cory/Casey are now the best of buds and he will be be giving away yummy Speed Energy drinks at contingency. Welcome back Sean!
-Do we still have to run that extra blue light in BITD?
-I am sad to report that Cognito will not be bringing any stickers to Vegas, and that certain 'gender questionable' chase person won't be allowed to wear white sun glasses at tech or during the race.
-Just heard that Holz is bringing a new XP1000. Weather permiting.
-Brandon Schueler was supposed to bring his new XP1000, but...why would he? Nobody can catch him in his 900!
-SF250 winner Marc Burnett will be there.
-Striping Shop won't be there but Brian from Havasu will be!
-A really great AMERICAN company stepped up to be the title sponsor for the Mint! Woot...woot!
-I was told to bring my helmet to the race. WTF does that mean?
-As of last Friday there were 52 UTV's signed up for the race. 35 in the premier Pro UTV class, 6 in the SR1 class, 6 in the 850 class and 5 in the sportsman UTV class.
-Derrek Murray will be there fresh off of a strong SCORE San Felipe 250 2nd place. Hope to see Jason there too!
-Dennis Jean and Michael Lansky will be there.
-Who is 'Olson' that has the balls to run 1932? Really?
-Will we still have to get back in our car to check the brake lights, or has Cory finally sawed off a broom handle for the cause. Haha!
-Who will mock Joey D's video 'drop?'
-Will a certain M.C. interview a certain 5 time champ as, 'Brenden Sheeeeeler?'
-Will the UTV's start be side by side?
-Will the the sun be up by the time the race starts?
-Who is in for the 'Booya' pool at the drivers meeting? I have '6.'
Light is up...this weekend is going to be fun!
About time someone got this thread going..... Thanks Matt.... We are ready to rock!! We lucked out and got the first draw position and for some reason Brian wants me the drive the first lap??? Im very excited to be back in the saddle. I talked Brian into letting my brother in-law John co-drive with me. He has always been there for us as far as pitting and helping out so we thought it would be cool to let him ride a lap!! Our goal is to FINISH but do it as fast as we can. Anyway looking forward to seeing everyone there I'll be the guy drinking a beer!!
1st Race - 6:00 am -$3-Laps:$Class 1000, 1100, 2000, 3000, 3700, 5000, 5500, 6000, 7100,$8100. $2-Laps: Class$1700, 1800, 1900, 3700
Hi Jeff
Yes we needed to get things going. 52 UTES...GAME ON! have never drank 'a beer' in you life. Beers for 'da 52 Utes.' (on Joey).![]()