Off-road "business cards"....a way to help spread the word.


Zero Tolerance Fabrication - Official UTVUndergrou
I had an idea. It could be completely useless but I figure it might do some good.

As off-roaders, we are constantly helping others as shown by example in numerous threads here and on RDC.

Whether it's donating time, money, or assistance to someone in need we are all willing to help. With regard to the recent events and everyone's valiant attempts to let the majority know where off-roaders stand I thought about making some "business cards".

These would simply be something to give to someone that is not an off-roader that you provide assistance to. For example, you help someone change a tire or jump start their car and you hand them this card.

Is this corny, useless, or do you think that this might be a way to help spread the word that we are not bad people or nothing but beer guzzling rednecks with no regard to fellow people.

Here is a quick example of what I'm thinking. (I have not received permission to use any of these logos so if I have offended anyone and or I need to remove them, I will)

This shows the Front and Back of the card.


You are a thinker, outside the box. You inspire us all to do our best not only with your top notch fabrication work but things like this also. That would be a great idea. Not only for the people that have had kindness handed their way by an off roader, but would inspire us all to do more to help others in need. Contact Vista Prints. They will make glossy, both side professional cards on the cheap and may even do them for free if you allow their logo on the card also. This is who I use for my cards and they are awesome. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you with it. :)
Thanks guys!!

I will be working to get these made ASAP as soon as I can finalize a design and make sure that it incorporates the necessary info, organizations, and sanctions.

I will look into Vista and see what pricing we can do. I usually use and right now can 5000 cards for $38.

I think that is a good idea you came up with. The pay it forward idea is awesome but giving the assisted person something to carry away is a great added benefit.
Thanks Reid!

Here is another version with room for more organizations/sanctions
and "Spectator Safety Rules" posted on the back.

These could be given to spectators at the races so they are aware of the rules and easily placed in their wallet for future reference.


I don't think you will beat that with Vista Prints. Sounds pretty close in price. Not knowing how the spectators get to an event site for viewing, I think you should get with the promoters of all the organizations listed to see if they would be interested in printing their own with their logo, or purchasing these & handing them out at their events. I think it would be a win, win for all involved.

We all get so wrapped up in our own lives that we forget about others that could use our help. We sometimes need something like this to nudge us and wake us up to what is going on around us. If I had this card setting on the dash of my daily driver truck and seen it everyday, I would be more inclinded to stop & help that guy with the flat tire or some other issue in their life that I could take a moment out of my day & help them with. I think on the cards that you would make to hand out to spectators should have a bigger 200 bow and Fast aid logo to keep fresh in all our minds why this information is very important to "never forget" Keep us posted!
This is a great idea for those guys that just have no way out and need some help.Awsome reminder for those that have been helped!Great work PAUL "AKA" ZTFAB.
if you made a copy of the biz cards with one of the file types that are at like walmart were they have the do it yourself ones and attached it to an email or on the site some how so we all can just download it and print off are own as needed instead of ship them around to everyone i think for 100 cards its 3 bucks
hopfully this works if you down load the attached images they should be to size for your bisibess cards to print from home i couldnt get the file WPS file to upload that had them all layed out. this is a good idea ZTFab hopfully this will help get some cards out


  • Off-RoadBusinessCardBack_2.jpg
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  • Off-RoadBusinessCardFront_2.jpg
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Thanks guys.

hopfully this works if you down load the attached images they should be to size for your bisibess cards to print from home i couldnt get the file WPS file to upload that had them all layed out. this is a good idea ZTFab hopfully this will help get some cards out

Thanks spangs.

I am still working on the final card(s). Once I have the design and all of the appropriate sanctions and organizations on the cards I will post the file for download.
Paul, great idea! Once you have the design complete let me know and we can check with our printer to see if he would donate by printing the cards for super cheap or possibly free.

We would be more than happy to have them shipped to local dealers to help spread the word.
Thats a sweet idea! No other way to get the word out that off roaders are great people then by helping others and giving them proof!
No worries Kevin I appreciate the help.

I just want them to be complete before they are printed.

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