NSFW - Lesson Learned - 4 Hours in the ER - With Pics


Big Mike - UTVUnderground Approved
Never hold a part in your hand while you drill it.... I held a small part in my hand today (I Know... DUMB) and drilled a hole. Part locked up and spun with the drill bit...... next thing I know I am looking at the tip of my finger laying on the ground. Talk about pain. Luckily my wife was in the garage with me and got me in the truck before I went into shock and passed out.... I was out of it.... I spent half the day in the ER.....

So dont ever hold that small little part in your hand while you drill it... I have done it many times before..... but it finally caught up with me.
:eek: Hard way to learn a lesson Mike, but at least it wasn't any worse... and after 35+ years in machine shops, I have seen a lot worse from similar incidents.
Have a speedy, low pain recovery, buddy!
And next time, mail that shit over here.... let the bald guy do it!:D
Thanks Guys.... I know I got off lucky.

My wife kind of freaked when she saw the bone sticking out of my finger. Luckily it did not damage the bone. Otherwise I would of needed surgery. My dad got the tip of my finger and took it to the hospital but they said they could not sew it back on..... oh well. Pops is calling me Stubby now...LOL.

I knew better. The good thing is that I taught my kids a lesson. I took all 4 boys out to the garage and showed them what I did. Then I showed them the correct way to do it.... Hopefully they learned from my mistake.

No more pain.... They hit me with 3 painfull shots in my finger..... then lots of Vicodin. I am on a Vicodin high right now. But it hurt like hell earlier.
dam Mike thats pretty gross. hope its a speady recovery!!!

one less finger nail to have to clean huh
Not the way to lose weight mike, Stick with jenny craig:D

Just kidding mike, glad your o.k.
Where are the pictures? :D

We all push it in the shop a bit much. Good reminder to take it easy. Hope you recover quickly.
ya i kinda want to see the finger Mike

Your boys are probably still in shock, " dont do it this way cause you will rip your finger off kids" lmao

Good lesson
well mike better than losing the tip of your hang low!!!

Rusty 5150 has a stubby too! Lost it in a bicycle wheel spoke!
wow that sucks! I guess its time for me to buy a vise- I do crap like that too. time to stop I guess. thanks for letting us all know how something so simple and little can turn bad really quick. hopefully you dont have any issues typing here on the forum? ;)
wow that sucks! I guess its time for me to buy a vise- I do crap like that too. time to stop I guess. thanks for letting us all know how something so simple and little can turn bad really quick. hopefully you dont have any issues typing here on the forum? ;)

Thanks guys......

Thats why I posted. I hope someone can learn from my stupid mistake. It is not fun looseing your finger.

It is a bitch to type with my finger wrapped up.

I am going to post some pics that I took last night.
Alright guys... Here are some pics. It is pretty bad so dont scroll down and look if you have a weak stomach.....



Damn Mike sorry to see and hear this. I guess this is why the big man gave us nine extra!!! Godspeed on the recovery brother!
Damn Mikey! Heal up brotha.....Mush thats so wrong buuuuuuuut I was laughin so hard I spit out my drink.....ummmm honey my fake finger is ummmmmm up in ummmmmmm, well how was I supposed to know it was gonna come off in there.....lol
:eek: Damn Mike, that is a shame..... maybe you can tell people it got shot off in the war. ;)
And thanks for the pics- I know my diet is safe tonight! :rolleyes:

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