NORRS Driver Registration UTVUnderground Discount!


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Driver registration opens Friday at 2:00 PST time.

Registration will be open for the May race.

to register or more info goto:

Entry Fees are listed below:

<TABLE collspan="1" collrow="1"><TBODY><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>Class</TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>Weekend Entry</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>Expert 4 Truck Modified </TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>900</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>Expert 2 Truck Modified </TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>900</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>Expert Lite Truck Modified </TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>700</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>Expert Buggy Modified </TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>500</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>Expert Buggy Stock </TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>500</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>Sportsman Buggy Modified</TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>400</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>Sportsman Buggy Stock </TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>400</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>Sportsman Truck Open </TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>450</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>Sportsman Truck Limited </TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>400</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>Sportsman Truck Lite </TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>350</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>Trophy Open Lite</TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>400</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>Truggy Stock </TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>350</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>UTV Expert </TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>400</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>UTV Sportsman </TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>300</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>KART Adult </TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>150</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>KART Rookie </TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>150</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>KART Stock </TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>150</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>KART Stock (dual chain)</TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>150</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>KART Modified </TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>150</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<FIELDSET><LEGEND>Driver License and Crew</LEGEND><TABLE collspan="1" collrow="1"><TBODY><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>License Type</TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>Fee</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>Driver License </TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>125</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>Crew License </TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>25</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></FIELDSET>
Re: NORRS Driver Registration opens tomorrow

Thanks for posting!! Any more updates on the facility/location????
Re: NORRS Driver Registration opens tomorrow

after eading 28 pages on RDC, all I can say is nice try for early signups.

not enough info for any one to be foolish enough to do that just yet.
Re: NORRS Driver Registration opens tomorrow

Joey and all:

The san diego track is on pala land around the raceway. The la track is at the antelope valley fairgrounds.

If any were able to hear the torr show yesturday many questions were answer. We understand there are still some out the so to keep this thread from turning into 30 pages as some others email or call myself or Aaron. or

Also pit assignments are based on registration so the sooner you register the better spot also teams the register for the first race will get some discount on future races.

With the high payouts this surely be a series to race
Re: NORRS Driver Registration opens tomorrow

I have been following this and feel strongly that its a scam!!! If you really want to check it out wait until race weekend there will be plenty of time to register then.
Re: NORRS Driver Registration opens tomorrow

If this was a few weeks ago or even before the TORR show I could somewhat see where you are coming from, however at this point I can't see your view anymore. Here is why:

We have listed both locations for the tracks with the LA location being one everyone knows and most liked it before. (Antelope Valley fairgrounds)

We have got on the radio with a body (Aaron) to show that I (Wesley) am not a one man show that is playing multiple people.

You have an address that is not just a PO box that has no location behind it but you have an actual address that as can be seen from other forums "easily googled" so if this was a scam as you still think it is SoCal, why would we have a real address that you can drive to. Also just to note, the TORC series is also ran from a residential address.

Why would we pay to be an SFI affiliate or invest in that if NORRS is a scam?

Registering online in reality gives the driver more options if it was a scam to not only get thier money back but get it back immediatly.

Registering now (later today) will give racers better pit areas, discounts on crew passes, discounts on future entries and passes for crew and family, entry to get in car cams for their vehicles as well as several other things we will be offering.

Re: NORRS Driver Registration opens tomorrow

I like to give everyone benefit of the doubt. Like I explained to Aaron when I spoke to him on the phone a few weeks ago. There is going to be a ton of nay-sayers as long as info is somewhat patchy for lack of a better term. People are and should be weary. But I also think that members of RDC gave these guys an unfair shake jumping to conclusions just because other details werent being given. A modern day internet lynching began so it is easy for people to pile on.

Bottom line is I for one am excited to have more racing in my backyard, I am excited that you Wesley are takin gthe time to post here and stick your neck out knowing that a lot of people are just going to jump down it.

If the series is a scam like so many think, and maybe rightfully so, you have to give credit thatthese guys sure are going pretty deep with this story! LOL A whole website, time on the net, Email update/blasts, Radio Shows, etc...... for what? Some entry fees? If it turns out to be a scam then I got scammed into believing but I am not going to allow others opinions cloud my judgement just yet! Good luck NORRS! Keep us posted!!
Re: NORRS Driver Registration opens tomorrow

Great News Guys!!! UTVUnderground along with NORRS is able to offer a early registration deal. For those who register for the UTV classes, if you mention UTVUnderground you will get an additional $25.00 off of your liscense fee.

I also learned something else that is very cool!!! WayTay listen up!

There will be a sportsman class with Soboba like rules! SO for you weekend warriors who dont have the full chop and drop race vehicles but do have SXS's equipped with panels, nets, and other basic saftey features you too can come out and race!!! So we are looking at a Expert/Pro class, an Amatuer/Beginner Mod Class and a Sportsman class. Depending on entry's a the Amatuer and Sportsman class may be combined.
This is huge for you guys who want to race without the expense of building a full on race car!

Now something else I have been told is the San Diego/Pala track is going to mix it up a bit!! It will have a double/double section!!! Something a lot of us have talked about is PAS and LEMX lack any more air! We want to see these UTV's do what we know they can do and that is BOOST! SO NORRS has mentioned thatthey will have some AIR in their track!! will be allowed to go out ahead of time and take some pictures of the track.

So comeon guys, register up. This will be a points championship series and the first race will count so register up and dont be left out of the points. Aaron told me the championship $$ figure will be impressive!!
When Registering for NORRS please enter the following promotional code:


the place to fill in the promo code is right before you hit submit.

Here is the secure link to register:

Remember early registration gets you better pit, option for in car camera for TV as well as helps get better chances of getting a FREE Bronze Sponsorship Package...

Don't get me wrong, I am exited that there is going to be racing in SoCal, but, early reg will prob be hard to come by.

I will keep an eye on the adult Kart class, it should be PRO BTW ($250) but keep entry below UTV Expert and that could be little less also, say 300?????
and UTV sportsman 200, if it can be somewhat affordable and peeps have fun the classes will grow and peeps will spread the word.

I am excited about this series!!! Early Reg should be easier to come by one people see the track!!
Hi Rog,

Ok I see where you are coming from. Let me ask this then:

When we first published prices, we had some people say they were too high, but then we had others saying too low.

The Weekend Entry Fee directly relates to payout for each race.

So would you rather have 100.00 off of the entry fee or then taken from the payout. (the entry fees affect you the racers as the series gives back 100%)

Is there enough Adult Kart drivers to make a sportsman and expert class? If so that is fine and we can split them up.

As for the UTV Expert and UTV Sportsman pricing we can adjust them however as stated above it effects payout... so lets do a POLL on here, For expert and sportsman UTV would you rather have 400, 300 and higher payout or 300, 200?

Hi Rog,

Ok I see where you are coming from. Let me ask this then:

When we first published prices, we had some people say they were too high, but then we had others saying too low.

The Weekend Entry Fee directly relates to payout for each race.

So would you rather have 100.00 off of the entry fee or then taken from the payout. (the entry fees affect you the racers as the series gives back 100%)

Is there enough Adult Kart drivers to make a sportsman and expert class? If so that is fine and we can split them up.

As for the UTV Expert and UTV Sportsman pricing we can adjust them however as stated above it effects payout... so lets do a POLL on here, For expert and sportsman UTV would you rather have 400, 300 and higher payout or 300, 200?

300 - 200 so that more UTV can afford to race.

We will change it to 300, 200... for those who have alrady registered you will be given the discount as well.

Do I hear 200 & 100? 200 & 100, going once..... going twice.....;);)
All this wishy washy stuff is what makes me uneasy about these guys. What business goes out there with no visable product and then changes everything on one guys whim?
I think they are trying to guage what the racers want and are using our site to get that pulse.......Maybe I am a sucker but come on you think these guys are really trying to go through all this trouble, website, forum heat, live interview on TORR, Newsletters, etc.. for one races worth of pre registration? I am not saying to throw all your trust behind them just yet but I do think they are serious and really wanting to give everyone another series to race in. Nothing wrong with that!
just to comment on Dnf's comment:

It isn't a matter of auction pricing or UBid, it as Joey mentioned and from the beginning of what we set out to do is make it affordable for the racers, you can probably get some teams to even pay 700 or 1000 for UTV but the majority of racers are not in that boat. Our object to our series is to create racing and fair racing at that, the more racers the better the competition.

the wishy washy stuff you (SoCal) are referring to isn't the case. The pricing was already being talked about when we decided to lower some of the fees for the classes as a whole. I.e: Pro Lite going from 900 to 700.00

It is a matter of reaching the most racers with the best overall entry fee. And just because you only see one post on this forum about the pricing doesn't mean we did not recieve other emails and calls about the pricing.

We didn't go out and just change every classes fees from the above UTV POLL, it was related to UTV only.

Starting on Monday the Driver Profiles will be listed online. At that point you can see who has registered. If the people that have registered feel like posting thier names before then on this forum then go right ahead...

Whats that saying? If it sounds to good to be true it usually is.

These guys have been doing this since their first post. Either they dont know what they are doing or they are feeding everyone with B.S.

They should have done all this research way before they even started talking about the series. If there still this unorganized now how will the first race be. :confused:

If this turns out to be a legit deal I will be the first to step up and say I was wrong.

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