Newbee from Blythe CALIF


New Member
Hello. just came across your site and was wondering were is most of you are based at.? I had bought a 2007 rhino around 18 month ago and I have put just at 3200 miles that's three sets of tires and one drive belt.
Welcome to the site!! Most of us are here in So Cal, some are in AZ, NV, and other states. I am located in North County SD.

As for your rhino...DAMN! 3200 miles in 18 months! Thats doing work on your rhino!!! LOL Where do you do most of your riding? IS it your daily driver?? LOL

Hope you enjoy the site, dive right in!! Feel free to post any pictures or videos of your rhino or rides!
we are just the weekend riders. we go to Glamis twice a year. like tomarrow we are going from Blythe to Quartzsite and back there are having a powwow there. its just a giant swap meet. It goes on for over a month Its the biggest swap meet you'll ever see.
I stop in Quartzsite when traveling to AZ....I love that place...I always go tot hat Old Car lot next to the truck stop and check out the Caddy' of these days I am going to leave with one!
the guy brought a lot more old cars this year. may be when I wear my rhino out I'll see if he well take it on trade. not..
LOL...hes got some nice rides!! I had family that lived in Blythe for a long you recognize the name Donald Woelke?
can't say that I have. I have lived here all my life I work at the goodyear dealership. the name dosn't ring bell sorry.
Just curious........he was a great uncle...we used to have our family reunions at, I wanna call it Mayflower Park? On the river there..........
I launch my boat there sometimes. the last few summers I been going across the river in Ehrenberg to river breeze resort and we boat all day and from there we ride all night. we ride along the river if it gets to hot we'll stop and take a deep this is @ 1:00 in the morning.
Nice! I used to love that place as a kid...I caught my first Bass out of a levy/cove south of that park with a cane pole and a blue gill!

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