Yamaha New Race Rhino Build


RaRaRaRHINOOOOOOooooooo - UTVUnderground Approved
Been Lurking for a while but decided to post some pictures. It was a frame that i bought from a friend and started to rebuild from my old rhino. This was a frame up build which is the first i have ever done. So if you see anything that i might need to change let me know before i skin it.

I have already purchased my rear carrier 930 cvs 6 1/2 flange to flange.




Not sure yet...It will not be a rhino engine. Was looking at the SR1 class but not sold on that engine in a heavy car racing.
FYI Youll need to use Wellers engine mounts, and adapt your carrier to that setup, if your going to race in the SR1 class.

How heavy is your car? Mines almost 1600 with driver, and it scoots pretty good with the R1, although I havent had it on a track with other SR1s yet. :)
Car will be around 1100 ish but that is just a guess. I think that engine will be fine if you are out in the dunes cruising around. Just think the way a short course racing is that clutches and trans will be tested at 1400 lbs. I know that multiple classes use that engine including sprint cars but that driving is way different then the start and stopping of short course.

I have talked to a prominent engine builder who also said he isn't sold on that engine yet.

It looks like great fun and every time i see them run makes me want to run one. But i just don't want to go broke again driving around a grenade. So for now i will just keep building and watching .

Doing pedals and steering then skinning it should take a while since i work by myself in my garage.

Well, if it helps ease your mind any, pretty much everyone who has an SR1 right now and has been running it since they have built it, are on their original engines.....except for me. $600 later and I have a new motor.....not gonna go broke that way! :) BTW -me running it out of oil isn't the motor's fault - lol! Tyler H. has been duning and racing the PISS out of his, and that's been since about October 09? Josh, too......he has two SR1's, both have their original motors and running strong. I have replaced one clutch now....and will most likely always have a spare. But otherwise, it's game on!! :) We all are right around 1400lbs or heavier, too.....

Cool build - keep us posted!! Love the pics!! :)
Thanks for the kind words Mrs. Weller.

If i could find a motor for $650.00 i might move forward. Way better then a 3 thousand dollar grenade.....

Let me know where i can get one and you will see me out there....well at least you would see my back bumper.....

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I have had great success with Ebay, and friends who know people with motors for sale! I also buy 02/03 motors to keep my cost down....but they are out there! I checked Ebay yesterday and it's an R1-fest right now! :)
I went with the 04-05 year, and I can find low milage motors without all the throttle bodies and harness and such for about $800 pretty easily.

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