Yamaha My Garage Build

I don't have anytime to work on it. Everyday I have something I have to do. I hope to have a couple hours each day this weekend.

I will get a hold of Bill.
We'll I pulled it out of the garage. I cleaned it up again and shipped back off to 747INK to get the floor installed and seats mounted. Here is a couple pics.




So I will update this thread. I have driven the car a couple times. There is a couple things that need to be resolved before KOH. Arms will be pulled off and powder coated, the inside of the panels will be covered with felt, seats will be recovered and adjustable headrest's added, chassis painted, rims and rings powder coated, build the front bumper, mount spare tire and build a rack to hold my photo equipment.

I installed a Lowrance Iway 500c GPS that I picked up from craigslist for $125. The Iway 500c has a large 5" color touchscreen for ease of use. It also has a 20gb hard drive with built in MP3 player. Rugged makes a nice wire harness that will let me plug my GPS output into the back of the intercom for a clean install.


This is the wire harness for the GPS with music output jack.


I will be installing a VIAIR system before KOH.





Very nice!

I really like the picture with you rock lights on!! Sweet!!

What lights are you using under your fenders?
I went out to Benchmark yesterday to drop off my car for a little motor action. Chris was hard at work on the XP and I can tell you this thing is FAST.......



I was messing with my on board camera and I thought I would try a warp speed video. It's came out OK.

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/19178067" width="400" frameborder="0" height="225"></iframe>Road Trip to Benchmark. from UTVUNDERGROUND on Vimeo.
I finished prepping the Rhino for KOH lastnight. I took it up and down the street a couple times and the power from the new motor is really good. I did not have a really long section to open it up but I did hit 70 mph in about 1/8 mile. I had to let off before it stopped pulling. Benchmark can build a fast Rhino motor.
Some of you may know but I have Rog's motor in my car now. This motor is crazy fast. I bought a new carb after KOH and this past weekend was my 1st trip out with the new set up. I had 3 people in my car and was able to hit 67 mph in a wash. Later that night I took a freind for a quick spin and we were able to pull just under 60mph through the whoops.

One of my freinds that always ride's with us has a Toyota Prerunner that is geared with a locker. Usually he is just messing with us. He will pass us and then fall back and the fly past us again. This trip he was not able to pass me. Even in the really rough stuff I was still pulling away.

I am really impressed with the POWER Chris is able to get out of this motor.
I am still changing things up a little. I made all new seat mounts. I used my old seats so I would damage my new ones. The idea I had was to gain access to the storage underneath the seats. To do this I built the seat bases and used bushings on the front so the seats could tilt forward. Since my doors open on my car I can simply reach behind me seat pull a pin and tilt the seats forward. I really like the way it came out. I will be adding gussets to both sides of the tabs and adding some additional bracing under the seat.




Tonight's project is to build a window frame on top of my doors. The idea is to be able to attach the nets and still allow the door to open. I added some tabs and two pins to each door. So once we are inside and ready to go we drop the pins and secure the doors shut.

Stay tuned.
So I race LEGP and had a part failure. I am not sure what failed but it's broke. Since I have it torn apart again I decided to clean some things up. I like to add things to set it apart from the rest.

My VIAIR tank has a custom Bass Boat paint job.


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