Trip list, just to get a idea of group size
1. Rich
2. John RZRS (In Spirit)
3. Brevendeb
4. Gil and son
5. Dan and Chris Kiewicz (Camping Friday through Sunday)
6. Trukndave (Maybe camping, not sure yet)
7. Mike B (Maybe camping)
8. George & Kathy (Camping Friday through Sunday)
9. Cisco Kid (Camping Friday/Sunday if I can get the MoHo w/Trailer in camp) ;-)
10. T-Wrecks
11. Davids rzrs
12. Bill (grumpyRZR 4)
14. Outofround
15. Speedypumkin
16. RZR Jeff
17. Rhino Dan
18. Jim & Melissa
19. Class 51600
20. PB (Sweep Rider w/radio)
21. Freeezen
22. Deven camping
23. John D. camp maybe
24. Bagman (Tim) Camping
25. Scott425 Camping
26. Dbestduner
27. KC & Dad with built samurai
28. Todd C. xp900
29. Hvsukrw
30. IMcarraher (Larry)
31. Billy
32. Robert Wolf


List for BBQ after and potluck for after the ride, all are welcome to eat and hang out
1. RICH Italian sausage, hot dogs,buns BBQ corn, BBQ,table
2.trucknDave Brownies and cookies
4. Dan and Chris extra BBQ & fIXENS FOR THE DOGS
5. Cisco - Hot Links, buns
6. George- Some kind of goodies, table, grill, plates, forks ect.
7. Bar-B-Q Sauce.
8.potatosalad, mac salad..
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Lets take the Black Diamond trail just before Crab Flat and go up to White Mt. the back way! I am willing, but you will need extra fuel;)

Sounds like a plan I always have a extra 3 gallons just in case.Well see how much time we have left when we get to the top.

I was wondering if this gonna be the game strategy for the ride? Leave Miller Camp and hit Black Diamond Trail and then the Pinnacles and then towards Crab Flats? I hope it is. Love The black Diamond Trail! :)
It is up to Rich, but I am talking about the one above the Waterfall! It goes to White's Peak from Crab flats it will make it an all day deal, but wow what a great trip and I think we could do it? Or maybe a split group at Tent Peg and if you have had enough you could head back and the other group hit the Black Diamond? Up to Rich and the group! And Time;)

Yeah I know - I just want to confirm.
If so - I might join you guys till we get to Deep Creek and head to Devils hole. I think trying to go up the water fall with 30+ UTVS is gonna cus a huge jam! :eek:
are you talking about the black diamond trail up on the ridge from miller?

Si! We have also done that trail "in reverse" (LOL) or as I say in the oppisite direction and that was a blast! Can be challenging (which I wouldnt recommend with 30+ UTVS) but a great adrenaline rush ride! :eek::D:)
I think it can go quick if we don't have down hill traffic, you never know, but if we get there early and we can give the option to split up? We will have to kick it around with Rich and the group! This was a waterfall run, but nobody is forced to go any place they don't want too;) :eek:

Well see what Rich would like to do and go from there. You should know me by now - I don't care what trail we take - I just wanna RIDE!! :cool:
Ok some thing like this

Start at miller staging (after drivers meeting AT 8:30)

2. stop at pinnacals long enough so people dont feel RUSHED and then 5min. call and were on are way. stop at the Deep creek(T6) bridge just long enough for peeps not to feel rushed, then we call 5min. split the group up in half I'll have numbered close pins that will be picked out of a hat by each driver with maps and other info out at drivers meeting for first and second group , so when it come time to do the 15 min split( our when the first group gets thru ballbuster ) every body will know ahead of time there staging Group.WE will need a leader and sweep for the second group witch will only be 15 min behind the first group. Second group will probably catch the first group but that ok were just seeing what works ,time wise.

As far as doing the white ,mt. trial, I Have never been on it and don't want a group behind me of this size on a trail that I haven't been on before and I think with a group this size, we need to have 1 good plan and not 30 ,Just saying.( not saying that peeps can do their thing ) If we have extra time there are some nice trails we could hit on the way back.

This is the plan for now, if you would like to call me at (626)255-2907 It might be faster then a PM :D

Would like one radio about every 5 cars or so .

NEED one sweeper at the start of the ride and then 2 sweeper at the 15min split (with radio) If any takers you can put the position by you name on the list.( thank you ahead of time )

NEED one peep to take the lead of the second group That knows the trail.(with radio) (Thank you ahead of time )

(were the pop corn guy when you need him ) :)
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