Did I get it right? Where's Vanna? I need more letters please.... Can I buy a vowel?

HOLY CRAP!! This thread has gone haywire!!! Cisco, you gotta go!! It won't be the same without you. Also, PM me the website where I can get this pair of cool underwear!! I will need the XX-Large nozle of course...

Yeah, right. What are you, some John Holmes Pinocchio mutant? :eek:

I think if that's the case, you'd better buy bigger socks too so you can "tuck it in". LOL!!!:D

Love Ya Dave, keep 'em coming... (Wow, poor choice of words there....):rolleyes:
You guys are funny as hell! I just ordered a glow in the dark one:eek: Extra small:(

For night rides?;)

Dan, OK, you got would just need to be XL size, c'mon, I'm a typical male who is proud of my 3 1/4" .....:eek:
Dan wins the prize except we don't run wireless. Run mostly Rosemount but have Yokogawa on a few applications. Hmmmmm. I think my boss might get a little suspicious if I knock out 150 in one day. My average is 25 per man per 8 hour shift.
Dan wins the prize except we don't run wireless. Run mostly Rosemount but have Yokogawa on a few applications. Hmmmmm. I think my boss might get a little suspicious if I knock out 150 in one day. My average is 25 per man per 8 hour shift.

Invite your boss out for a fun day of eating dirt and enjoying our national forest.....
Invite your boss out for a fun day of eating dirt and enjoying our national forest.....

Naw, no dirt Dave, remember we got lots of "buns and wieners"!


Just tell him you're working on a way to save the company millions using time motion metrics for process improvement, and then invite him along on the ride.

We'll tell him how you need a big raise and promotion for your great dedication to improving the bottom line, and your own walled office with a coffee server...:D
Naw, no dirt Dave, remember we got lots of "buns and wieners"!


Just tell him you're working on a way to save the company millions using time motion metrics for process improvement, and then invite him along on the ride.

We'll tell him how you need a big raise and promotion for your great dedication to improving the bottom line, and your own walled office with a coffee server...:D
It doesn't sound like we are talking "Ball Park Franks" or "Hebrew National Dinner Franks", But it sounds like a Clinton type deal with the Peyronies it could turn either direction;) So the turns in this thread are possible, but not sure I want to see them! Bob, bring them along we will all pitch in and do them after the ride, I can hold my wiener with one hand and calibrate with the other;)

Just don't drip anything from your wiener on that device, or Bob could have a new set of problems....:eek:
Update: Me and my six-year old (Stumpster doesn't want to miss his basketball game Saturday), My buddy Mike and his Grandson in his Teryx. My father-in-law bailed on me. I have some open seats if there is a need.
I'll be on my way in 16hrs 4min and 29sec weiner in hand and ready to ride! Oh I meant Hot Sausages:D
I can't wait, it's been a crazy week at work and it will be awesome to relax and hang out with the Familia:)
Update: Me and my six-year old (Stumpster doesn't want to miss his basketball game Saturday), My buddy Mike and his Grandson in his Teryx. My father-in-law bailed on me. I have some open seats if there is a need.

I hope Stumpster is better at Basketball than RZR driving:eek: Love ya Stumpy!
I'm still waiting for those dusty dounuts you promised me on the last ride?????
My and Chris' Verizon works pretty good up there Dave. There are some dead zones, but mainly it's pretty good. One bad spot is climbing out of miller canyon. At the day use area all is well.

Remember cell phones are line of sight although they can "bend" a little around corners and over hills, but it tends to attenuate the signal a lot depending on how far you are from the tower.
My and Chris' Verizon works pretty good up there Dave. There are some dead zones, but mainly it's pretty good. One bad spot is climbing out of miller canyon. At the day use area all is well.

Remember cell phones are line of sight although they can "bend" a little around corners and over hills, but it tends to attenuate the signal a lot depending on how far you are from the tower.

Cool, thanks Dan
Bob if ya come work for me, I'd give ya the time off to beat the hell outta that new XP:D

Where do I sign George?:) Just heard this afternoon I am working Saturday. @#&^$()&(*{+). We will see who is staying overnight Sunday morning.
Rich, where is the mapquest pic or directions how to get to camp area from the 138 turn off? Crud, I can't find it on the thread.......I haven't even been drinking today....

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