2.John rzrs (in spirit)
3.MossLager (Pinball run back by noon)
4. Papa Bear (90% for Saturday) Slow and steady group back at ?;)
5.Rzrluvr---Camping--- Fri-Sun (100% for Sat ride)
7.Freeezen (planning for it)
8. Trukndave (Saturday, probably just for the day, maybe camp Fri. night)
9. Dudeonit (Bob)
It's sure nice up there.
In your backyard... launch out of Silverwood. You can leave out of Miller Canyon, or at the damn. Damn is free to park but I heard legally no OHV launching there. Your best bet is to grab an adventure pass from Big 5 or a local gas station (do your homework) and meet up at Miller Canyon (Google it).
Hey guys where is MIller Canyon

The staging area is about 11 to 12 miles east of I15 on Highway 138. Turn left (there is a sign) into the staging area and then turn right down into the staging area. You can buy a $5 Adventure pass at the Chevron station at the I15 and 138.
Yup it's still on and trail time is 9am .This is the map that always seem to do the trick and the sign for the turn to the staging area and it always seem that some one is meeting up at the chevron right when you get of the 15.You do need a wilderness pass ,I think they are $5.00a day and you can get them at the chevron when you get off the 15, I have a year pass and one day pass just in case some one needs it.Also the last trip the ranger checked are green stickers, he was nice about it.ANY more ????? post up. The ride is normally under50 miles extra gas is always nice to have just in case, I always carry a extra 3 gallons.Hope this helps.My ph# is (626)255-2907


east end of Silverwood lake here some info read thru it and it should help
I talked to George (rzrluvr) about having a BQQ( Hot dogs) after the ride . It wont be any thing fancy but nice just the same . I'll bring all the stuff dogs buns, and the fixings just bring your drinks and will make it simple. I know after rides peeps head straight home no problem , just give me a idea of the peeps that might hang out.
PaP read post 30 &31 for mapping also there always seems that people meet at the mc donalds right of the 15 frwy and the 138 to get something to eat and the adventure pass at the chevron (well get you there )
Thanks for the help see you there. If there is a BBQ I am in what shallnI bring?
Thanks for the help see you there. If there is a BBQ I am in what shallnI bring?

I was going to bring all but if you would like to bring plate's and napkins that would be nice, thanks for asking.
Rich, what time do you think we will get back to camp from the ride? If it's not too late, then I might stay for some Dodger Dogs....
My son has games on Saturdays. I will like to go, and will try to make it to this ride.
Rich, what time do you think we will get back to camp from the ride? If it's not too late, then I might stay for some Dodger Dogs....

I think around 3:00 but PB has more trips under his belt then me ,so lets get his input on that.
2.John rzrs (in spirit)
3.MossLager (Pinball run back by noon)
4. Papa Bear (90% for Saturday) Slow and steady group back at ?
5.Rzrluvr---Camping--- Fri-Sun
7.Freeezen (planning for it)
8. Trukndave (Saturday, probably just for the day, maybe camp Fri. night)
9. Dudeonit (Bob)
10.Pap (Bob)
11.REDRZR (Mike)

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