Miller canyon burned down by turbo rzr

I heard the sxs rolled up on two guys in a Tahoe with chrome 22s they were makin meth and it blew up ..just what I heard!
I guess they got scared and threw torch

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I assume so but does anyone know if the miller canyon trail head / trails are open now that the fire is mostly contained ? Was thinkin about using that trail head to head down to the lake.
I heard the sxs rolled up on two guys in a Tahoe with chrome 22s they were makin meth and it blew up ..just what I heard!
I guess they got scared and threw torch

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Forgive me for my ignorance, but this has to be tongue and cheek right? lol
Miller canyon is closed till further notice. Trails 2n36 & 2n33 on top were in fire so you can't even drive the mtn loop. Plus rangers blocking road. I drove up there this weekend .Any trails that were in fire mite be close as long as 2yrs. That's what there telling people at road blocks.
I hope Polaris takes a serious look at how the poor quality product testing is affecting our industry. Every 3 months polaris has a new "build number" to update the parts dept on all their changes on the assembly line. Yamaha has not changed a single bolt. I don't own either of them so no bias, just disappointed in all the bad press over something that is pretty basic occupant safety. ( like FIRE)
Now to add insult to injury another huge fire on the other side of I15 not far away from the other one. 15 is closed and 80,000 people evacuated.

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