Mike V's R1 Rhino - New Dash, engine cover, console, wing....

Only got a little bit done this afternoon.

I'm feeling like crap and have been fighting off what feels like the flu since Monday.....working 2 jobs, 7 days a week is finally catching up with me.

Time to go drown myself in Nyquil.....




mig, tig paul can do it all and make it look perfect. :D when i do that technique with the mig i get alot of splater what do you set your gas rate at ? thanks i need all the help i can get.
mig, tig paul can do it all and make it look perfect. :D when i do that technique with the mig i get alot of splater what do you set your gas rate at ? thanks i need all the help i can get.

Thanks Nate!

Your gas rate isn't the problem, it's your voltage to wire speed ratio. Too much voltage will cause that problem.

Depending on what machine you have and the type of voltage control, tap or variable, either turn the voltage down a bit or turn the wire speed up to compensate. Keep playing with the settings until you don't get any spatter.
very nice work man, super impressive! what type of aluminum and bead roller are you using?

Thanks Kevin. I have a Mittler Bros 36" power driven roller with the industrial motor upgrade.

This is all .050" 3003-H14.
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HA ha ha ha....WTF??

I don't know what made me laugh harder, that video or the look on my wife's face when she heard it.
Great work Paul. I like the adjustable shock mounts. I will be working a check piont at the GP next weekend. Are you coming down?
Got Mike's panels back from Endless PowderCoating.....they turned out incredible!!!

Started the wiring this afternoon.



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