A terrible accident occured tonight in Lucern at the MDR California 200 night race. A 1450 truck broke a tie rod or swing arm (unconfirmed) on a popular jump called the rock pile and lost control going into the crowd that was lining the course. Up to 8 people have been confirmed dead and numerous people injured. The race was called off. Reports continue to flow in via Race-Dezert, and DezertRangers. Names are floating around but are not being posted until families have been updated.
Say some prayers. We will be looking to the Underground for support in helping the families and victims effected by this horrific incident. UTVUnderground affiliate sponsor Fast-Aid will be working to set up a fund to accept donations.
More details to come.
Dear UTVUnderground Members,
Last night at the MDR California 200 desert race in Lucern, CA a horrific and tragic event took place when a 1450 class race truck lost control and crashed into a crowd of off road fans/spectators. and are working with our affiliate sponsor FAST-Aid - Home to raise money to help support those involved in this terrible incident. Please take the time to visit FAST-Aid - Home to make a donation to help. Any ammount can and will help. Lets show the public how strong our off road community really is.
If you have any questions feel free to reply to this email or visit
Joseph "Joey D." DiGiovanni
FAST-Aid Opens Specific Account for MDR California 200 Accident
LINK: California 200 - FAST-Aid
MESA, AZ – AUGUST 15, 2010: FAST-Aid has opened a donation pool for the families of the casualties and the injured at the MDR California 200 off road race accident. FAST-Aid, similar in nature to the Red Cross, is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing financial, educational and personal assistance to injured racers, support teams and their families as well as ensures the necessary support is in place to complete a thorough recovery and rehabilitation from motor sports racing incidents.
To donate specifically to help the California 200 casualties, please note “California 200†on your donation and 100% of the funds received will be applied to assisting their families in this difficult time. Donations are tax-deductible. Donations will be distributed to the families to assist with funeral plans and to the injured for recovery and job loss assistance.
President of FAST-Aid Jared Tetzlaff stated, "FAST-Aid has full faith in the California Highway Patrol to do a complete and thorough investigation of this accident. Our role is not to assign blame or liability, but is strictly to do everything we can to be there to assist the casualties and their families in the aftermath of this tragedy. The off-road community is a tight-knit family and the positive response from this group of people has been overwhelming and humbling. We will continue to coordinate all of our resources to help comfort and provide assistance to those involved."
About FAST-Aid - FAST-Aid has been helping the off road racing community since April 2009 and has been called to assist in many different circumstances. The board consists of nine racers, crew members, community and industry supporters. FAST-Aid a non-profit organization with the sole purpose of supplying financial and emotional assistance to off-roaders injured at racing events. FAST-Aid - Home
News outlets covering this story may contact for more information. Fast-Aid is asking all news outlets to get this information out to the public who wish to make donations.
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