Magnum Offroad Commander Shock Testing


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Here's a quick clip of our Commander shock tuning test session last week in Ocotillo Wells California.​
Mike, Magnum has done tuning for the stock Fox Commander "X" shocks, Fox 2.0 Remote Resevoir Shocks, and Fox 2.0 RC2 Shocks. This video is showing the Remote Resevoirs in action I think? Dan will need to confirm that. It may show multiple sets in action. They did over 10 hours of tuning that day alone!
I agree with Mike, that whine sounds weird.Looks like they dialed the shocks in a little but I think it could be better, driver still looks to be bouncing around and you can see some bucking. But that's why it's called testing. :)
The gear whine is common with all the Commanders.

The clip is of our Fox 2.0 remote replacement shocks. Changes have been made since the video was shot, but the performance is night and day with the shocks in the video over the base model and XT shocks. Averaged high 50's to low 60's in the clips with that setting.

Only gonna get better! :D
I cant wait to see that thing with a MAGNUM built cage!
The commander looked pretty damn smooth for replacement shocks and is ready for SOBOBA GP.

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