Great job Staggs, I knew you would be fast....Well that was rougher than I thought, new car build and first Lucas race I have some things to change! That first turn off the table is fun. I ended up knocking off my radiator and airbox off, hopefully not much more after I go over the car, Some how it shows I got the fast lap at least.

Man it was a yard sale out there.
Well what a weekend. First off Dirty nice to finally OFFICIALLY meet you. We had a rough day at practice on friday only getting in one practice session and breaking a real bolt on the radius rod leading to a bunch of broken parts. I couldnt have got it fixed if it were not for the great fellow racers and friends that I have made over the last year. With the help of Dave aka Slowpoke ...that threw down the fastest lap time and Justin Lambert owner of Cognito Motorsports we were able to get the car fixed for todays races. The qualifying race went well where I got the 3rd start position surrounded by heavy hitters. On Lap 2 I would end up getting hit by one of the members of the Wolfpack spinning me 180 and causing himself into a nasty wreck that pictures have been posted. That ended my day and weekend. Had a great time and ide like to thank Cognito Motorsports for all their help, and also Brandon Hong and Curtis Sparks for tuning and setting up my new motor. Staggs you kicked ass out there man in that STOCK car of yours. Let the fools keep talking and you keep taking trophies. See you all in April. Guess we can keep the shit talking going cause theres alot to say !!
Yea Casey you had a rough time, its too bad, you had speed...I felt bad when you were pulling off the track, but then I was like hell yea I just moved up another spot.
I had a great time and the turn out was awsome, Just got to say thank you for all the guys behind Lucas Oil, first off for putting this class together and alowing this to happen. I didnt get to practice on friday so as we went out for qualifying I took one lap and started going for it the roller sections were pretty rough but some how I got lucky enough to put down the fast lap time and securing a 1st spot on the pole. Now with the pressure on LOL going into the main I just did my best to relax and keep focused. The green flag when out and I was able to lead the whole race, having to slow down in the roller sections every lap allowed second place to get on me an challenge me everytime into the last corner after the rollers. on about lap 3 I got a good side bump from who ever was in second at the time which I think was one of the wolf pack guys, and I am not sure if that is what caused me to break a sway bar bolt or not but after that I could tell something was wrong with the rzr in the corners. There was alot of carnage out there, glad no body got hurt. At some point Cody Rahders would move in to second and give me a good race keeping pace with me and running me down in the roller section every lap. All I could do is think where is the white flag LOL but I was lucky enough to hold the lead the whole race and get the win! I cant thank everyone enough for everything and there support Staggs Racing,Sadistic Iron Werks, Cognito Motorsports, MSA Wheels, Magiks Customs, Glass Alliance, Reckless for a cure and of course my friends and Family.
Staggs..... Fortunate yes lucky no. Dude you drove that car to VICTORY . Congratulations !

Looks like it was a great race I really hope I get to make a couple of these.
I had a great time and the turn out was awsome, Just got to say thank you for all the guys behind Lucas Oil, first off for putting this class together and alowing this to happen. I didnt get to practice on friday so as we went out for qualifying I took one lap and started going for it the roller sections were pretty rough but some how I got lucky enough to put down the fast lap time and securing a 1st spot on the pole. Now with the pressure on LOL going into the main I just did my best to relax and keep focused. The green flag when out and I was able to lead the whole race, having to slow down in the roller sections every lap allowed second place to get on me an challenge me everytime into the last corner after the rollers. on about lap 3 I got a good side bump from who ever was in second at the time which I think was one of the wolf pack guys, and I am not sure if that is what caused me to break a sway bar bolt or not but after that I could tell something was wrong with the rzr in the corners. There was alot of carnage out there, glad no body got hurt. At some point Cody Rahders would move in to second and give me a good race keeping pace with me and running me down in the roller section every lap. All I could do is think where is the white flag LOL but I was lucky enough to hold the lead the whole race and get the win! I cant thank everyone enough for everything and there support Staggs Racing,Sadistic Iron Werks, Cognito Motorsports, MSA Wheels, Magiks Customs, Glass Alliance, Reckless for a cure and of course my friends and Family.

Way to go Jerry!! AND THANK YOU for repping UTVUnderground.com so hard on your kick ass machine!!! We are gonna dial you in to show that return love!
Well what a weekend. First off Dirty nice to finally OFFICIALLY meet you. We had a rough day at practice on friday only getting in one practice session and breaking a real bolt on the radius rod leading to a bunch of broken parts. I couldnt have got it fixed if it were not for the great fellow racers and friends that I have made over the last year. With the help of Dave aka Slowpoke ...that threw down the fastest lap time and Justin Lambert owner of Cognito Motorsports we were able to get the car fixed for todays races. The qualifying race went well where I got the 3rd start position surrounded by heavy hitters. On Lap 2 I would end up getting hit by one of the members of the Wolfpack spinning me 180 and causing himself into a nasty wreck that pictures have been posted. That ended my day and weekend. Had a great time and ide like to thank Cognito Motorsports for all their help, and also Brandon Hong and Curtis Sparks for tuning and setting up my new motor. Staggs you kicked ass out there man in that STOCK car of yours. Let the fools keep talking and you keep taking trophies. See you all in April. Guess we can keep the shit talking going cause theres alot to say !!

Sorry about your luck Casey!! These tangle ups are gonna happen every race especially with as many cars that are out there on the track. Jason Merrell took quite the hit.
I'm hoping someone has a complete video of the whole race. I want to watch it as well. I know that Dirty M3DIA is putting an event video together that we will share here once its launched.
Sorry about your luck Casey!! These tangle ups are gonna happen every race especially with as many cars that are out there on the track. Jason Merrell took quite the hit.

Joey its all good. With the help of great guys at Cognito Motorsports the car should be all fixed and ready for Glamis on thursday. Im also glad that Jason was able to walk away at the end of the day although a little beat up. I tried to talk to the guy after the race and ask him if he was ok but all i got was a bunch of swear words and dirty looks. Hes under the impression I cut him off but the video will answer that. What a great time and all and all im ready to do this. Hurry up Lake Elsinore
If I had it my way every racer would have to run a forward facing and reward facing GoPro just so we could guarantee to see all this carnage and action!! hahhahaah

Cognito knows hot to get a car fixed in a short amount of time! They get er done!

I heard the Cognito posse was DEEEEP!
We had a great time Joey. I almost with there was more than six races a season. But with this kind of carnage we all need some time$$$ to fix them. I will be running more Go Pros next race. Too much fun not to have on tape.
bummed I coudn't make it to round 1. My wife was away on a mini vacation with Rusty's wife and I had an under-the-weather son so it was daddy day care at home for me this weekend. Sounds like it was a great race, good turnout, and some really good racing and competition!

I am curious.. How did tech go for everyone and was there anything that racers were really happy about or super bummed about? I'm sure Dirty wants to hear how everyone's weekend was and how their experience was?
Tech guys still dont have all the details of the rules but they are doing their best. They could have used an extra tech or 3 as the line was long
Yea the tech situation was much better than I expected, ather than the huge line, but the guys were very fair. I have a few things to fix, drivers padding and fire extinguisher. I dont think anyone was turned away, but I would make sure my stuff was right because Im sure that will change.
Staggs..... Fortunate yes lucky no. Dude you drove that car to VICTORY . Congratulations !

Looks like it was a great race I really hope I get to make a couple of these.
Thank you Tim hope you can make it to there a fun race

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