We will be broadcasting our trail rides at the UTVRally live on the Internet
My RZR S will have the live broadcasting platform on the rides. Not exactly certain
which rides just yet. I'll probably be guiding.
As long as we can maintain a signal the poor suckers who stayed home can watch
us ride.
XXXoffroad has launched an Online TV show.
All Offroad all the time. Some of you will see yourselves.
XXXoffroad TV
Or you can launch a stand alone viewer by clicking here XXXoffroad TV Viewer
Then you can leave it playing on your desktop while you pretend to do real work.
You can tune in anytime, this streams 24x7 and the content is growing rapidly.
Footage from literally all over the world. I just added some RZR riding from the
Sultanate of Oman.
If you add XXXOffroad as a friend on Facebook or Twitter you will get notices of live broadcasts.
Initially this is a collection of video, hopefully assembled in an interesting way.
Eventually there will be a regular schedule and live coverage from lots of events.
We have over 45 contributing sources and we can cover your event live
as long as you have internet access and a webcam. We don't even have to be there, you can do it.
If you have video or a live event you want covered send an email to TV@xxxoffroad.com
Just make sure you are not violating any music copyrights.
If you would like to embed this on your own site feel free. Just click the "Embed" button and it will give you the embed code.
My RZR S will have the live broadcasting platform on the rides. Not exactly certain
which rides just yet. I'll probably be guiding.
As long as we can maintain a signal the poor suckers who stayed home can watch
us ride.
XXXoffroad has launched an Online TV show.
All Offroad all the time. Some of you will see yourselves.
XXXoffroad TV
Or you can launch a stand alone viewer by clicking here XXXoffroad TV Viewer
Then you can leave it playing on your desktop while you pretend to do real work.
You can tune in anytime, this streams 24x7 and the content is growing rapidly.
Footage from literally all over the world. I just added some RZR riding from the
Sultanate of Oman.
If you add XXXOffroad as a friend on Facebook or Twitter you will get notices of live broadcasts.
Initially this is a collection of video, hopefully assembled in an interesting way.
Eventually there will be a regular schedule and live coverage from lots of events.
We have over 45 contributing sources and we can cover your event live
as long as you have internet access and a webcam. We don't even have to be there, you can do it.
If you have video or a live event you want covered send an email to TV@xxxoffroad.com
Just make sure you are not violating any music copyrights.
If you would like to embed this on your own site feel free. Just click the "Embed" button and it will give you the embed code.