OK so check it! There is still racining tommorow, another round!

Robby Gordon actually finished 2nd behind Gustavo Vildosola........They are in a battle!!

BUt check this.....SO as most of you know, Rusty and I are tight with the All German Motorsports Team. Well I had family in town so I couldnt go to Laughlin but Rusty still went. So I am watching most of the race live on Surfrat's webcast, when I left the CLass1 cars were about half way through todays heat. AGM driver Armin Shwarz is SMOKIN fools, he was 3rd / 4th (they go off in pairs) off the line. After 2 laps he had passed everyone and was haulin the f'n mail!

Well Rusty says on the last lap an upper mount in the front suspension sheers off and the wheel gets all messed Armin just floors it 3 tire fire...he limps it to the Laughlin leap which is right by the finish line....just as he rolls off the leap he completely loses teh wheel or something gnarly happens prohibiting him from driving in straight he is feet away fromt he finish line apparently PUNCHING it and spinning donuts trying to get to the line....Rusty says camera men are flying otu of the way just as Armin barrels into an ambulance smashing the upper control arm and bassicly destroying it...he throws it into reverse and crosses the line finishing 3rd for the day!!!! LOL

So the whole team has the car apart right now and are going to work through the night to get new arms arm and the car ready to roll for tommorows finally!!! DAMN I HATE WHEN I MISS ALL THE FUN!!!


I was just reading that on another site, he is the talk of the town right now. They said it was great driving lol
Armin is NUTS!! He warms up by playing Baja on PS3 sitting in a $1000 Recaro in the pits!! LOL

ON your end Ricky, Pab made it to Laughlin in time to race, as you know he is one of the announcers for the WInter X Games! It was cool watching your boys all day on TV brodcasting live!!

You have to watch tommorow, I think Heidi won today!! CAm will be driving TT16 tommorow...
OK Read this and watch the video (mind you the program Dirtnewz uses sucks for video viewing) but it shows the whole finish! It is crazy! I cant belive Armin still pulled 3rd....showed how huge of a lead he had...had the wheel/spindle not broke he would have easily won.....

here are some more pics as well







OK Fellas so here is the lates info from Rusty5150 in Laughlin.......

The AGM Class1 #104 will be driven by Martin Christensen today....they worked until 1am last night putting a new frint end and a new tranny. When Armin threw it into reverse apparently he fried the tranny. So AGM's plan is just to get through the race and collect points.....You cant win the SCORE Championship in Laughlin but you can certainly lose it there!!

TT's go off at 1pm and the Class1's go off at 3pm today! Dont miss it! It is pretty rare you can get live footage during a race like this! The link on the 1st page will be active!!

GO AGM #104!!! GO Desert Assasins TT #16!!



OK Guys, The TT's are getting ready to run at that link on the first page of this thread and you can watch the race and listen to the Totally Off Road Radio Brodcast!
Just talked to RUsty5150......Armin will be piloting the 104 AGM car agin today to go for the W!!!! Race starts in 10 minutes!!!!
Tell you what...I though BJ driving his rig on two wheels was pretty trick...

"BJ Baldwin lost the lead when his transmission went south and tried to finish the race in REVERSE. Baldwin did one complete lap in REVERSE and couldn't continue..."

No quit in this guy. That's who I'd want behind the wheel
BJ went for it but couldnt finish the race which is a bummer..him getting a DNF here at laughlin will make it almost impossible to win a back to back championship this year......I will tell you what.....Robby Gordon was haulin bASS!! BJ was in the lead on corrected time for a little while until he lost the tranny but Robby was going to be really tough to beat! What an exciting race!!
I wack!! Oh well good coverage up until can get live updates here but I am bummed...AGM is done...waiting for RUsty to call and say what broke...I feel bad for the guys as hard as they worked last night......

Dean/Anderson Lead Class 1

Schwartz on the Strap and OUT of the Race

3:19 PM

118 Letner limping in with a right flat tire, pulling into the hot pits
Danny Anderson/ Pat Dean leading Class 1 with Julio Herrera out of Cabo San Lucas in second
Dale Ebberts got his transmission fixed and is running in the front, he's currently in third
Dale Link gets sideways off the Laughlin Leap and seems to be having problems as he starts his third lap
Harley Letner is back in the race and has alot of work to do in order to catch up with the leaders. Letner won yesterday's race and won't let anything get in his way to finish today's round
104 - Armin Schwartz being towed out of the infield and OUT OF THE RACE
3:13 PM

118 - Letner reported having issues and off the pace
Pat Dean/ Danny Anderson new race leader as Letner off the pace
RM 2.5 Byron Ashley rolled over
Kory Halopoff letting his car cool in the infield, he's not giving up yet he just wants to let his motor cool
Harley Letner/ Armin Schwartz Fight for Lead in Class 1

3:00 PM

101 of Josh Rigsby can't get his car started at the start line, reported out of the race
Letner in the lead as the class 1's come into the infield
Harley is leading over Pat Dean who started side by side next to Letner by 38 seconds
After 1 lap: Letner, Dean, Schwartz, Herrera, Romans, Wilson, Ashley, Bujanda
Kory Halopoff seems to be having motor issues again
3:24 PM

Danny Anderson has a HUGE lead, as Herrera, Ebberts and both Wilsons fight for third, within seconds of each other
Ebberts has them all on time but it's a close race
3:43 PM

Randy Wilson and Ronny Wilson fighting for second place, both about two minutes behind Anderson with Ronny in third position by merely 5 seconds
Ebberts is still trying to get past the Wilson brothers but fighting
Cabo San Lucas' Julio Herrera still hanging with the leaders trying to catch
Letner has consistent lap times but insn't gaining on the leaders

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