OK so check it! There is still racining tommorow, another round!
Robby Gordon actually finished 2nd behind Gustavo Vildosola........They are in a battle!!
BUt check this.....SO as most of you know, Rusty and I are tight with the All German Motorsports Team. Well I had family in town so I couldnt go to Laughlin but Rusty still went. So I am watching most of the race live on Surfrat's webcast, when I left the CLass1 cars were about half way through todays heat. AGM driver Armin Shwarz is SMOKIN fools, he was 3rd / 4th (they go off in pairs) off the line. After 2 laps he had passed everyone and was haulin the f'n mail!
Well Rusty says on the last lap an upper mount in the front suspension sheers off and the wheel gets all messed Armin just floors it 3 tire fire...he limps it to the Laughlin leap which is right by the finish line....just as he rolls off the leap he completely loses teh wheel or something gnarly happens prohibiting him from driving in straight he is feet away fromt he finish line apparently PUNCHING it and spinning donuts trying to get to the line....Rusty says camera men are flying otu of the way just as Armin barrels into an ambulance smashing the upper control arm and bassicly destroying it...he throws it into reverse and crosses the line finishing 3rd for the day!!!! LOL
So the whole team has the car apart right now and are going to work through the night to get new arms arm and the car ready to roll for tommorows finally!!! DAMN I HATE WHEN I MISS ALL THE FUN!!!
Robby Gordon actually finished 2nd behind Gustavo Vildosola........They are in a battle!!
BUt check this.....SO as most of you know, Rusty and I are tight with the All German Motorsports Team. Well I had family in town so I couldnt go to Laughlin but Rusty still went. So I am watching most of the race live on Surfrat's webcast, when I left the CLass1 cars were about half way through todays heat. AGM driver Armin Shwarz is SMOKIN fools, he was 3rd / 4th (they go off in pairs) off the line. After 2 laps he had passed everyone and was haulin the f'n mail!
Well Rusty says on the last lap an upper mount in the front suspension sheers off and the wheel gets all messed Armin just floors it 3 tire fire...he limps it to the Laughlin leap which is right by the finish line....just as he rolls off the leap he completely loses teh wheel or something gnarly happens prohibiting him from driving in straight he is feet away fromt he finish line apparently PUNCHING it and spinning donuts trying to get to the line....Rusty says camera men are flying otu of the way just as Armin barrels into an ambulance smashing the upper control arm and bassicly destroying it...he throws it into reverse and crosses the line finishing 3rd for the day!!!! LOL
So the whole team has the car apart right now and are going to work through the night to get new arms arm and the car ready to roll for tommorows finally!!! DAMN I HATE WHEN I MISS ALL THE FUN!!!