No shit talkin here, just cold hard facts. We've got the fastest horses, the prettiest wives, the surest rifles, the ugliest dogs and the three fastest drivers in Tennessee and we're coming to Vegas to prove it in the desert.
Love that attitude. Sounds familiar. I've got kinda the opposite. Coldest wife, prettiest dog, fullest fridge, and the slowest car out there. Three of Tennessee's fastest drivers should net at least one podium, no? Good luck in the race, and hope you all enjoy the view!

I just hope the view is better than this! Raining in Flagstaff.
Yeah its true...

Its been a while since I can remember missing a BITD race... Don't worry though, the entire UTVUG / Mad Media crew will still be there holding me down and Rusty will be providing the live updates (service permitting) so race coverage wise we will not skip a beat!

I on the other hand will be heading out to Mammoth with the Warfighter Made war veterans where we alongside Polaris RZR will be treating these hero's to a week of fun in the Mammoth mountains / lakes.

I wish you all luck, kick some ass and talk some shit!
Nice field of entries! I have not been on here in a while. Just caught up and to say the least ZZZZZZZZZZZ No shit talk? WTF

Just want to say, We are in for the $100 side bet for both cars.
I just hope they don't wreck each other trying to win it LOL.

I think the X team is just about ready, Gotta pick up some PB&J but then it's game on.

Who is holding the money for this side bet? I hear that Joey will not be at the race this year.

I'll hold the money for the side bet...... Seems like we could save a step and not have to hand it off to someone else. When I finish I'll just keep it in my pocket and wait for the rest to finish
Wickenburg on the way there...Kingman on the way home.. we have room if you need the ride. Not taking the Toyhauler this year...just the Chase truck (that carries over a 100 gal of Diesel) and flatbed...and the only reason to stop now in Wickenburg is for the Tacos...they rape ya on the Gas there.

Haha. Just passed you guys at the shell. Crazy.




Coastal Racing getting that last minute Mark Holz test and tune out of the way.. Thanks for the shots Rob Utendorfer!

Marc Burnett getting in his last minute test and tune.. Eye spy some tired ol dude with a tall boy in the photo too ;)

Way to grind it out Reid!

Jagged X is bored, being all ready ahead of time.. they are just polishing their turds.. lol

Good luck boys!! Always looking pro!!
I'll hold the money for the side bet...... Seems like we could save a step and not have to hand it off to someone else. When I finish I'll just keep it in my pocket and wait for the rest to finish

It was "icing on the cake" when Joey D walked up to us (#1917) last year at the finish line and handed us last years winner take all wager....$1200! Derek needs to post that picture again.

That chick with the pink Can-Am is ready to do work!! lol

Good luck to Lacretia and her entire team. They are due for a podium.

Our boy Cory Sappington is right on schedule!! lol

Good luck Cory, new car, same ol' Cory.. he will be in the fight for sure!!

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