Yeah, I guess that old bearded guy is me! I try to stay out of the cameras view. Kind of like a super hero of sorts (now watch the nay-sayers say badassmav thinks he's a super hero!). I'm not much for crowds. You wont find me at any finish line celebrations or victory parties. I like helping people, but through anonymity. I don't have much confidence in myself, or society for that matter, so if you see me at a future event, feel free to approach me and ask questions or offer advice, but please don't mis read my lack of socializing as arrogance. A few years back, I lost a lot in a little bit of time, and with it, I've lost my way, and I have not put much effort into trying to find it again. NIKAL was spot on when he posted that I am "probably just misunderstood." But I must say, thanks to the accolades from members like yourself, I am enjoying this forum. It exposes my intellect. Exercises my mind. Sometimes, it is nice to be noticed!