King of the Hammers Roll Call

Thank you Reid!!

This cleared things up for me and more important lowered the stress!

You are awesome for offering the Kawi work if in a pinch.

I will do everything I can to help!


I left just before dark last night and there were very few racers there and those were in a staging area because HammerTown wasn't ready for move in yet.

Mike Lasher was just here and hinted that maybe GenRight would also be available to help with a work area if needed.

I don't think find a work area will be to tough to find if you really need to work on your race car. I would have to guess that the big cars will be accomodating since the UTV's will be gone for the main race on Friday.

Just be prepared to have work mats and fluid collection pans just in case. Work mats could include, plastic, cardboard, rubber or carpet and maybe a few others. All eyes will be on racers but I think all spectators and recreationalists from the UG should follow these guidelines also.
Just a side thought, if fluid containment is the main concern what if your working inside your enclosed trailer thats not in a pit area? Sometimes before a race I like to take off the engine covers and go over things one last time checking minor things. Not really any heavy work just putting my mind at ease to make sure I got everything. Of course I will follow the rules...just sayin'

Since a majority of the SXS's in our camp area will be recreationalist and we're not that close to HammerTown I think a quick tweak or turn here or there will go unnoticed, especially if done inside and enclosed trailer.

However I do feel we should do everything we can to follow the rules as HammerKing and the BLM have laid out. I guess the question you need to ask is it worth getting DQ'd over if I get caught. When there is nearly 200 Big race cars and less then 20 UTV's where do you think the focus will be? We just can't ruin it for all.
As Reid mentioned earlier, the GenRight team will be more than happy to allow you to work in our pit on your car if need be during the week. I will also have the GBC Motorsports race trailer in the GenRight pit full of parts and tools. Feel free to come find me if you need anything!
I picked up car from Benchmark tonight. I only have a couple days left to get it put together and the VIAIR system mounted. I have to say this new Benchmark power plant is fast. I need an axle sponsor.
I may have something you may be interested in Rusty, Type 2 cv's and Weller Mid-board hubs with flanges to the Rhino Diff......We will talk at KOH.
You are going to get a show next week at KOH...

Looks like we are gunna have a show at KOH - Pirate4x4.Com Bulletin Board

News Release FYI. You may know that the base is intensifying activity alone the shared boarder with Johnson Valley. Citation's are being written for trespass. Im hoping to see some better signage up soon.

Combat Center to conduct intense live-fire training

Beginning early next week aboard the installation, the Combat Center is scheduled to
conduct an advanced stage of Enhanced Mojave Viper, the Marine Corps' premier live-fire
combined arms pre-deployment training exercise.

The training, taking place along the installation's western boundary, will integrate
small and medium arms and heavy weapons live fire from infantry, artillery, mortars,
tanks and attack aviation assets. During this time period, higher noise levels could be
experienced due to the increased activity associated with the movement of ground vehicles
and aircraft.

The safety of the public and providing effective and realistic training for our deploying
Marines and sailors, are top priorities for Combat Center leaders.

Visitors and local residents taking part in recreational activities in the Morongo
Basin's Johnson Valley and in particular, attendees of the King of the Hammers off-road
race, should be keenly aware of their position relative to the base boundary.
significant range and blast radius of Marine artillery and 120mm tank rounds can pose a
considerable danger for accidental trespassers and illegal scrappers traversing across
the Combat Center's Emerson Lake training range. In order to provide the most realistic
training to prepare Marines for future deployments to Afghanistan and other locations
around the world, some night time training will occur.

For the safety of the public, installation law enforcement officials will step up
patrolling efforts around the base perimeter during this time.

The Combat Center thanks the local population for their continued patience and support.

Media requiring additional information should direct their calls and correspondence to
the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Public Affairs Office at (760) 830-3763.

Don't go East.
<!-- / message -->
KOH relation to Base Boundry....


TWENTYNINE PALMS - Don't go wandering around without your GPS if you plan on attending the King of the Hammer off-road vehicle races in Johnson Valley Sunday through Saturday.

That's the advice of Capt. Nicholas C. Mannweiler, spokesman for the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center here. He says the base and the race area are adjacent and he's heard estimates of 60,000 fans at each of the last two Hammers. And people have been known to wander onto the base by accident.

The Marines will be using every inch of the base right up to the edge during live-ammo exercises being held during the races, the captain says.

They do it all the time, Mannweiler says but not always with 60,000 party animals next door. The Marines use everything from M-16 carbines, machine guns, tanks, air-dropped bombs, mortars and howitzers.

The exercise called Enhanced Mojave Viper is conducted at the Twentynine Palms base 11 times a year because "This is the only base (big enough) where we can get air, ground, logistics and command elements together at the same time.

"A 155mm howitzer has a kill radius of 50 meters and can wound in a radius of 100 meters," Mannweiler says. And that's from a distance of 15 to 25 miles.

A meter is just more than one yard, so if a 155 round hits in the middle of a football field, it can kill you if you are standing in the end zone and probably 10 or 12 rows up in the good seats - on both sides.

If you just scored a touchdown and you are doing your victory dance, a 155 landing in the opposite end zone can send you to the hospital with major wounds.

Ninety percent of all U.S. Marines preparing for deployment to the Afghanistan War train here and they train with live ammo just like they use in real combat. Keep that in mind.

"We've found people on the base who are lost," said Mannweiler. "Being lost in the desert is bad. Being lost in the desert with artillery . . ." the sentence drifted off.

Summing it up, Mannweiler said, "We want you to respect the lethality of our weapons." <!-- / message -->
I spent 8 years in the Marine Corps and just happened to be initially attached to an artillery battery. Our unit frequently trained at 29 Palms. I never thought I would be literally a few miles from the base racing. Very strange.

I've been here for a couple of days now and live fire can be clearly heard through all hours of the day. They're not just being overly cautious. They are very close to the base borders.
Randy Weisser of ORW told me yesterday they will have a fully setup chase truck on pit road starting Tuesday. Of you need a welder, torches, air or any tools stop by and see them. During the race they will move the truck out to a remote pit and help out any of the UTVUnderground racers. They are also offering 10% off right now with the discount code KOH2011
I have to share a little KOH story with you guys. Yesterday we went out for our first official "test" session. I made it about 10 minutes into the desert when we noticed a noise/vibration in the front end. Returning to the trailer, we discovered that the driver's side front wheel bearing was shot.

Turns out that one of the brand new Fireball Racing hubs was machined (yes, CNC'd) incorrectly. It was .040" shorter than the passenger side, causing the hub to move around and destroy the wheel bearing.

Long story short, I had to overnight a bearing from the closest stocking dealer (somewhere in Utah). Shipping was $118. I had it delivered to the UPS store in Apple Valley.

I also called Fireball and told him about the hub. He didn't believe me over the phone, which I completely understand, but disagree with from a customer service standpoint. He said there was nothing they could do to help me other than swap out the hub. They are 6 hours from JV. This morning, about 5AM, I got up and drove to Fresno to Fireball Racing. I picked up the new hub and he agreed that the old one was machined incorrectly.

I wasn't going to make it back to Apple Valley before the UPS store closed, but Stan, the owner, stayed 30 minutes after closing to help me out. Stan saved the day and all he made off of me was $5. He wouldn't even let me buy him dinner for the trouble.

Ironically, I got better support from the UPS store than I did from Fireball Racing.

Several hundred dollars (shipping, parts, fuel, time wasted), I'm reassembling the front end in the trailer now at JV.

In Fireball's defense, they did go to the trouble of removing the bearing from my spindle and installing the brake disc onto the new hub. That was pretty cool of them, to be fair.

I should have the RZR on it's tires in the next few minutes.

Yep, I spoke too soon. Turns out that the 2011 RZR's use a bearing with a larger I.D. than the previous models. The hubs I have are for a 2010 or older, meaning they STILL WON'T WORK with the bearings that I just overnighted at a cost of $175.12.

Wow, the frustration is at an all time high.

I need to come up with a complete set of front spindles (including bearings) for a 2010 or prior. Any suggestions? Or, if I can't find spindles with bearings, I may be able to beat the 2011 bearings out of my spindles, but they're in there pretty good. Then, I would only need bearings from a 2010 or earlier.

My cell - 205.441.6265

Yep, I spoke too soon. Turns out that the 2011 RZR's use a bearing with a larger I.D. than the previous models. The hubs I have are for a 2010 or older, meaning they STILL WON'T WORK with the bearings that I just overnighted at a cost of $175.12.

Wow, the frustration is at an all time high.

I need to come up with a complete set of front spindles (including bearings) for a 2010 or prior. Any suggestions? Or, if I can't find spindles with bearings, I may be able to beat the 2011 bearings out of my spindles, but they're in there pretty good. Then, I would only need bearings from a 2010 or earlier.

My cell - 205.441.6265

:eek: OMFG, I feel bad for you. I can't imagine the frustration your going have traveled so far to get jamed like that...Geeezzz... I'll put a bug out an see what comes up.

I need to come up with a complete set of front spindles (including bearings) for a 2010 or prior. Any suggestions? Or, if I can't find spindles with bearings, I may be able to beat the 2011 bearings out of my spindles, but they're in there pretty good. Then, I would only need bearings from a 2010 or earlier.

I'm in Vegas right now, leaving for the lakebed Monday morning...if there are parts locally you need picked up, let me know...
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I just sent you a message on your phone.If there's something in San Diego or Temecula we can have it out to you by monday night. The underground always is willing to give a RACER a hand.
Update - Larry at Fireball got up early on Sunday morning and machined 2 steel spacers to make the hubs work. They're also having them driven to Riverside. I'm blown away. That's super cool of them to go the extra mile to support their products.

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