All-Right Every-one its time for you to come on up
This will be our 6th Annual Prime Rib B.B.Q. That RnLila and my-self will Host. The B.B.Q will be held on July 2nd. I will be slow smoking Prime Rib
for every-one Bring a dish and drink if you please. This Area is one of the most magnificent part's of our Great Country. The Beauty will for certain make you relaxed. Its a high I can-not describe you have to experience it for your-self to know what I mean. We will ride our SxSs on July 1st and 3rd. With over 4000 miles
of riding you will not be bored nor disappointed. We Own a private Camp-Ground here so instead of spending you hard worked for dollar's on Camp-fees. Spent it on fuel to just get here.
We can accommodate 12-15 Rigs..The best part its on the house
We hope to see some old friend's and meet new friend's. That is what this is really all about
Here is what Barry had to say about last year's B.B.Q and Ride
Well guys, I hope the riding today was as much fun as we had Friday and Saturday! Did 35 miles Friday and about 20 Saturday. Tons of trails and just the right kind of snow- hard packed so no one got stuck (well, almost no one, Rick), but top 6 inches or so very soft. Sure was a lot of fun.
Now, as far as the rest of the weekend, WOW!!! Our campsite looked right out at Mt. Shasta- really spectacular. Under the trees, stayed nice and cool. And guys, Leo knows prime rib!!! Larry's smoked trout was right there in the same league as the smoked prime rib- just outstanding.
All in all, sorry some of you guys missed such a great time, but many thanks to Leo and Lila for their gracious hospitality. Patti and I had a great time.

Here is what Barry had to say about last year's B.B.Q and Ride
Well guys, I hope the riding today was as much fun as we had Friday and Saturday! Did 35 miles Friday and about 20 Saturday. Tons of trails and just the right kind of snow- hard packed so no one got stuck (well, almost no one, Rick), but top 6 inches or so very soft. Sure was a lot of fun.
Now, as far as the rest of the weekend, WOW!!! Our campsite looked right out at Mt. Shasta- really spectacular. Under the trees, stayed nice and cool. And guys, Leo knows prime rib!!! Larry's smoked trout was right there in the same league as the smoked prime rib- just outstanding.
All in all, sorry some of you guys missed such a great time, but many thanks to Leo and Lila for their gracious hospitality. Patti and I had a great time.