Jacob Peter Runs Hard At UTVWC


Jacob Peter Runs Hard At UTVWC
This race was an eventful one. As of Thursday morning of race week I still did not have either one of my cars completed, my RZR 170 still needed my motor rebuilt and the RZR 570 needed to have the motor and transmission put back together. I was sure we would not be making this race but Carr One and Absolute Motorsports put in countless hours to make sure it was going to happen.

My Dad woke me up at 2:00am Friday morning and said “We just finished getting all the cars back together, lets go.” We headed back to Carr One in our Motorhome, I had went back to sleep but was forced to get up and do a test drive my RZR's at 2:30 in the morning. It was dark, and cold. After that, we hit the road and I woke up at the UTV World Championship around 9:00amFriday.

There was still some work to be done to the cars before we could go to tech. While my dad worked on them I got invited to drive part of the track for the family poker run with Kaden Danbury and his dad. This was awesome cause I got a chance to see the track and see what to expect for my 570 race.

Tech was tons of fun like always, I got to meet and see some of my sponsors and a lot of my friends/competitors. UTVUnderground.com hosted an easter egg during tech. It was great to run around and find egss inside peoples booths.

Race day..... I woke up and went to breakfast with my grandparents who had come out to watch my race. My first race was after the desert race so I had some time to relax.

First was the youth race, my RZR170 would line up next to 50 other youth racers. BITD officials guided us around the course with a parade lap and then we got lined up. At the First corner I was in third but was quickly passed by Chase Carr, Dallas Gonzalez was in first and Ethan Groom was in second. Kaden Danbury was right behind me, I could feel him. During the first lap Chase had something happen and just stopped which put me back into third but Kaden was still right there as we came around on Lap 2. A few turns into lap two my car started having issues. I decided to pull off near the main pit so I could cheer on everyone else.




Next up was the Short Course Race, but it was the same as the Desert race course. I was so nervous since I have never done a long distance race like this. My class was the last line to go and the anticipation was crazy. It was a dead engine start land rush start. My car does not like starting up fast so I was the 2nd to last one off the line, but quickly started passing a few cars and moved into fourth. Lap 2 at mile 9 I hit something and blew my tire and bent my wheel, with no spare tire I was forced to limp it 7 miles to the hot pit. My Dad and a few others quickly changed my tire and fueled my car, now just had 1 lap left to go. It was so awesome when I hit that finish line, I just finished my longest race to date and the feeling was great. It was then that my dad looked at my car and asked, “Hey when did the axle blow out?” I looked at him and said “oh that’s why it had been steering weird since Lap 1”. I guess I raced it in 3 wheel drive. Either way I just pulled off a 4th place in first ever Desert Race and it was great.






Thanks to all the sponsors that helped me this year.

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