Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area Wash Road Construction - Final Decision

The Lyin King

Public Lands Advocate
The Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area (ISDRA) represents one of the most popular off-highway vehicle (OHV) areas in the western United States and is a well-known landmark to the thousands who visit each year. The 159,000-acre ISDRA contains the largest mass of sand dunes in California and is the most heavily and intensively used OHV recreation area in the California Desert District with an estimated 8,536,000 OHV Visitor Use Days per year (BLM, 2008).

In the past, the public accessed the camping area south of Glamis, CA by utilizing a maintenance road (Wash Road) on the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) right of way. As of May 31, 2009, UPRR will be closing the road with a fence and gate, thus leaving no way for visitors to access public lands on the existing Wash Road. The UPRR road currently provides access for over 2,325,000 visitor use days plus agency and emergency vehicle access for Law Enforcement and Emergency Medical services. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) proposes to develop a new road parallel to the current Wash Road in order to preserve access. Without the proposed road, visitors could be exposed to an increased amount of risk and the agency will not be able to access recreational facilities.

Read more here . . .
What can we do to help get this road built?

Thanks for wanting to get involved!!!!!!!

The following are excerpts from a conversation regarding same on another forum I work . . .

"The things they could be looking for , the following items they may rent, or we can get them donated. either through cash donations or actual equipment with operator.

Biologist who has had turtle experience.
996 loader x 2, 4 to 5 yard bucket
1 to 2 bob cats or skid steers
1 to 2 Graders / scrapers
1 to 2 front roller
2 to 4 4000galon water trucks
10k to 20k stand tank .
700 grade marker stakes.
1000 grade marker flags.

All cash donations would need to be run through someone like the American Desert Foundation , which is a non profit corp that would give the persons or company's donating to the cause a Tax Credit.
In order for me to collect funds and give them to the ADF there needs to be a letter of understanding between me and the ADF witch was mailed off today. once the letter is approved by the ADF ,
then the ADF would need detailed accounting of donations, and a project description, then they the ADF would either rent the equipment and or pay a contractor to do the work, or if I have any luck at all
get one of my friend's who is a contractor to donate the work and get a tax credit from the ADF. I am diligently working on this but it is not done yet. hopefully within the next week."

Please see the following link for more details . . . Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area Wash Road Construction - Final Decision - Polaris RZR Forum - RZR

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