What is the best jetting for a rhino 660 '07? I have muzzy exhaust and the K&N air- charger in take... Also how often should I do the valve adjustment?
I had a exhaust and intake as well and was runnin a 165 main and a 55 pilot...but do youself a favor and get a A/F gauge, it will take all the guess work out ! I tired to do the valves evry year which is about 700 miles. Might not need it but want it runnin on its A game everytime out
we did mine on the dino came out with a 180 main 55 pilot and out 3 turns with the air screw mine had the woods and afe but I don't think that would matter much...with the 165 main my plug showed lean 180 was perfection on the plug ..At pismo beach CA..the instructions say a 210 main with the afe but way to rich..... I hope this helps you try the 180 main and pull the plug I think you should be right on and golden
Depends on elevation and temp. I ran a 165 and a 55 pilot but that was before I had an AF gauge so who knows how close that was. AF gauge is worth the $$ so there is no wondering you got it right.