Hemet Law Sucks!!!

Yes, according to the law they do have to be DOT approved. Children's MX helmets aren't all that heavy and offer great protection for the little ones. Maybe something like this: http://www.rockymountainatvmc.com/t/45/67/194/778/Helmets

Thanks for the link. The thing is that my youngerst is very small. Shes 3 1/2 but about the size of an 18 mo old so its a crappy situation for her. I picked up a xs child snowboard helbet the otherday. Hopefull it will pass the visual on a drive by, If they stop us well thats another story.
Thanks for the link. The thing is that my youngerst is very small. Shes 3 1/2 but about the size of an 18 mo old so its a crappy situation for her. I picked up a xs child snowboard helbet the otherday. Hopefull it will pass the visual on a drive by, If they stop us well thats another story.

Buy a dot sticker for the back of it. Also strip any other sticker the helmet has off of it that would quickly identify it as a snowboard helmet. I am wearing a novelty motorcycle helmet with a dot sticker and the kids are wearing snowboard helmets with dot stickers. It at least helps upon visual that they are ok. I don't see being stopped for a helmet inspection anyways. I think it's a matter if being stopped not wearing one or doing stupid shit that gets a lighted party by the po po.
Buy a dot sticker for the back of it. Also strip any other sticker the helmet has off of it that would quickly identify it as a snowboard helmet. I am wearing a novelty motorcycle helmet with a dot sticker and the kids are wearing snowboard helmets with dot stickers. It at least helps upon visual that they are ok. I don't see being stopped for a helmet inspection anyways. I think it's a matter if being stopped not wearing one or doing stupid shit that gets a lighted party by the po po.
The 4 seater law that starts July 1st i think is worse than the helmet law, i can live with having to ride with a helmet but making my 4 seat Rhino illegal is bull$%&*. Hope AB64 passes.

This was the specific reason for the bill....The manufacturers do not want people modifying vehicles and changing the center of gravity, by modifying the vehicle to add seats where the frame was not designed to hold weight.

This was their #1 goal.....to end this practice. I feel your pain, but I frankly don't blame them, because they've been sued repeatedly over this....from accidents, because the vehicle does not drive the same with weight where it doesn't belong.

If there weren't 4 seat UTV's...it would be one thing....but there are.
This was the specific reason for the bill....The manufacturers do not want people modifying vehicles and changing the center of gravity, by modifying the vehicle to add seats where the frame was not designed to hold weight.

This was their #1 goal.....to end this practice. I feel your pain, but I frankly don't blame them, because they've been sued repeatedly over this....from accidents, because the vehicle does not drive the same with weight where it doesn't belong.

If there weren't 4 seat UTV's...it would be one thing....but there are.
I guarantee my 4 seat rhino is safe and stable with its long travel race cage and 5 point haness, probaly safer than any other new 4 seat SXS. And not all all of us have 20 grand to buy a new SXS which the manufacturers want us to have to do. My son loves riding in our Rhino and i shouldnt have to take that from him.
This was the specific reason for the bill....The manufacturers do not want people modifying vehicles and changing the center of gravity, by modifying the vehicle to add seats where the frame was not designed to hold weight.

This was their #1 goal.....to end this practice. I feel your pain, but I frankly don't blame them, because they've been sued repeatedly over this....from accidents, because the vehicle does not drive the same with weight where it doesn't belong.

If there weren't 4 seat UTV's...it would be one thing....but there are.

The laws should be made for people who file frivolous law suits not for people who customize a vehicle. If I alter the center of gravity of my ford by lifting it and I crash should I be able to sue ford ? Better yet should lifting my truck be banned ?
The laws should be made for people who file frivolous law suits not for people who customize a vehicle. If I alter the center of gravity of my ford by lifting it and I crash should I be able to sue ford ? Better yet should lifting my truck be banned ?
The laws should be made for people who file frivolous law suits not for people who customize a vehicle. If I alter the center of gravity of my ford by lifting it and I crash should I be able to sue ford ? Better yet should lifting my truck be banned ?

You're preaching to the wrong guy. I'm all for natural selection, as long as kids aren't put in harms way over stupid parents. Unfortunately kids are the usual riders in custom seats. Not saying that all customizations are bad...some are done very well in fact...but that's not consistent.

I'm only telling you WHY the manufacturers wanted this bill, wrote the bill and support the bill.
The problem is obvious on these issues. 1st, lack of personal responsibility. I'll not beat that dead horse, we all know. 2nd, the way our judicial system operates. I'm not one of these little goobers that thinks everything in Europe is better but they have one thing right. If I choose to sue you over something and lose I am required to pay your legal fees. I'm certain that alone would stop a huge percentage of this problem. People and their ambulance chasing lawyers will think twice before pursuing litigation, especially against so called huge corporations, like Yamaha.

So how about we assume everyone can take care of themselves. If they have an issue with another party they can drag them into court, but there is some risk to it, unlike the way it is now.
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There are many problems facing our country. The best way to fix them is run for office.

I agree with you Jeff. The problem is the time, money and defamation of a guys character that comes with running for office. I've spent time with people in politics and on a personal level they're very nice but entering the political arena is unfortunately neither affordable or desirable for most normal, average people today.
I fn hate politics. I hate political opinions and all the self righteous I'm right your wrong attitude that those involved or consumed by politics seem to spew. It drives me nuts.

With that said, I'd vote for Jeff Knoll any day of the week! That guy is a bad ass!
I agree with you Jeff. The problem is the time, money and defamation of a guys character that comes with running for office. I've spent time with people in politics and on a personal level they're very nice but entering the political arena is unfortunately neither affordable or desirable for most normal, average people today.

That's the root of the problem, Its not supposed to be that way. Best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. Lets take this country back. Start small, if we all do a little it will be a lot. I don't have the time, or money, but I make the time, and I invest in our future.

When I have nothing else in this world I will have my character. They can attack that all they want, it means nothing. I look at it as part of the cost to living in this country. If we don't participate we get what we have now.

I fn hate politics. I hate political opinions and all the self righteous I'm right your wrong attitude that those involved or consumed by politics seem to spew. It drives me nuts.

With that said, I'd vote for Jeff Knoll any day of the week! That guy is a bad ass!
Thanks Joey, but I am not different than any one else, I just make time learn, and try and find solutions to the problem. I hate the same things, so I do my best to change what I don't like.

I just moved to Nevada, so it will be a while before you or anyone else would be voting for me. Gave up on California. California is doomed.

What you can do is participate in the OHV Lobby days the first and last week of April, and tell as many people as possible.


I am just one man, I need your help. Lets take back our country!
OK this is how CA works, we PAY for them to tell us what we CAN NOT DO or what you need to DO- they just call it a LAW ;-(

I think it call DICTATORSHIP ;-(
Its called Marxist Gradualism. They take away your rights and freedoms one Law at a time until your Enslaved. And you never saw it happening untill it was to late.

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