I hope eveyones F-Day was good.
I got to go trail riding with my son on some very bitchen single track then head out to the Veteran’s cemetery and visit my dad, its been a years since he passed. Good day in all.
that looks awesome! Happy Fathers day to all of you out there! I got to spend it with my family down at the Harbor eating crab legs and fish and chips on the beach. Time to pack and head your way Doug! Off to Montana with Polaris!
that looks awesome! Happy Fathers day to all of you out there! I got to spend it with my family down at the Harbor eating crab legs and fish and chips on the beach. Time to pack and head your way Doug! Off to Montana with Polaris!
Belated Happy Father's Day to all. Doug I am So glad you get to spend quality time with Code. A year ago today I lost one of my best friends & he left behind a 25 year old son, 15 year old son & a 10 year old daughter. He was only 46 & passed away on Father's Day.