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I will try to be brief as I know we are all very busy. The process to save our public land has been moving through the Political Machine. We have tried hard to keep from 'crying wolf' and calling for action like this too often. Now is the time.

Congressman Paul Cook introduced legislation that met the Marine Corps Training needs and retained public access to the entirety of Johnson Valley. It was a modified version of the Marine Corps Alternative Four and the result will be The Johnson Valley National OHV Area. It went unopposed in the House of Representatives and is now part of the National Defense Authorization Act awaiting confirmation by the Senate.

Senator Dianne Feinstein is considering re-submitting Alternative Six through the Senate Arms Committee. This will take away the majority of Johnson Valley forever.

It is time to have our voices heard.

There may be other similar opportunities in the near future to support this cause. We are in the final weeks of this process. Please take the time to act.

Call and write to Senator Dianne Feinstein urging her to support the existing Alternative Four (also known as the Cook/McKeon Compromise) and DO NOT offer a conflicting proposal.

State Office: (415) 393-0707
Washington Office: (202) 224-3841
LA Office: (310) 914-7300
San Diego Office: (619) 231-9712
Fresno Office: (559) 485-7430

Email Link

Below are links to both talking points and the letter that I submitted. Please use your own words. We, as a group, made a difference before, we will again. Without your letter, we could lose this fight. Save the text you send her in your email as we may look to resubmit that in printed form as well (more on that later).

Link to my letter to Senator Feinstein
Link to talking points to use in your phone calls and emails

This is not just about off-roading. We are supporting our neighbors in the High Desert Area. Every surrounding town council joined the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors and Congressmen Cook, McCarthy, and McKeon in opposing Alternative Six.

Thank you for your time, please share this with anyone and everyone. In the near future we may be asking to reach out to other politicians so stay tuned and together we WILL be heard. Contact Senator Feinstein TODAY. Urge her to support the Cook/Mckeon compromise (also known as Alternative 4).

Sincerest Regards,
Dave Cole
on behalf of the California Motorized Recreation Council
done. and i exspect and hope the rest of us here do as well. ive been helping fight this for years. since my pro rocks days.
Here's what I wrote to the dumb ass:

Dear Senator,

Shame on you for trying to once again cheat your constituents out of what is rightfully theirs. The Johnson Valley OHV is not only required to remain as it is today, it is requisite in the name of safety. Each year the offroad community looses more and more space in which to recreate, yet the sport is growing exponentially. When these lands are re-appropriated, what is returned to the public in return? Nothing, not a damn thing. Do you think that's fair?

Due to this increase and the overcrowding of the remaining areas, I almost lost my son because the proximity to others is compromised by your myopic opinions and uneducated decisions. Take a moment to speak with your colleague Rep. Cook. I'm sure he can enlighten you to the reasons, based on fact, he used to determine that this land grab by the military has little merit to the completion of their objectives.

Take a moment to join the 40K+ crowd that gathers in February for one of the biggest off road events in the world to see for yourself what transpires on this land and what it does for the local economy.

Do you want to be known as the person, who is supposed to be representing the great state of California, who single handedly killed one of the major worldwide events California is known for?

I think you are making a grave mistake in thinking this is not going to reflect badly on you and your desire to remain in Washington. I for one will make every effort to insure you are not re-elected. This is travesty of due process and to me infers you have something to personally gain from this action. If this is true, I hope it comes back and bites you where it hurts the most.


Dan Kiewicz Jr
Email sent....

Joey would it be possible for you guys to put together a last minute give-a-way during camp rzr to get people to send an email. Im sure someone has and iPad people could use or just have them show an email sent from their phone. Everyone that shows a verified email was sent gets there name put into a hat. Draw a winner on Saturday; Winner must be present to win etc... I'm sure you guys could get a ton of emails sent if people were trying to win something; even if its just a T-shirt.

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