I know you guys aren't accusing the Can-am clan of keeping secrets! I'll show you my scales if you show me yours........or even if you don't! BAM!LOL... No. Canned Ham
10-4. When you start to figure things out, don't be afraid to share it with the masses. Many teams are afraid to share their hard-earned do's and dont's. I assume it is because they don't want to just give away what might be a competitive edge. Competitive schlemetetive, I say! If I can share my hard work with others, they might have more time to spend with their real passion in life. Family. Besides, I'm just a knucklehead playing in the dirt. I only crossover the fundamentals of race car design from those who developed it in the road racing arena. The Gordon Murray's and Dan Gurney's to name a few. Now those dudes are Badass!! Best of luck with your new project, and don't be afraid to ask a gazillion questions while visiting your project.I can promise you that I have no secrets.... I know NOTHING. I'm about as new as it get's to this stuff.
10-4. When you start to figure things out, don't be afraid to share it with the masses. Many teams are afraid to share their hard-earned do's and dont's. I assume it is because they don't want to just give away what might be a competitive edge. Competitive schlemetetive, I say! If I can share my hard work with others, they might have more time to spend with their real passion in life. Family. Besides, I'm just a knucklehead playing in the dirt. I only crossover the fundamentals of race car design from those who developed it in the road racing arena. The Gordon Murray's and Dan Gurney's to name a few. Now those dudes are Badass!! Best of luck with your new project, and don't be afraid to ask a gazillion questions while visiting your project.