Flex your R/C's **Show em off!**

Those are some nice RC's with the weather cooling of in phoenix we will be racing alot more.Dont have a lot of pics of the truck because I keep it in a bag easy to carry around.
newest rig. waaaay fast. 2200 mamba monster, 4s. 1/8th hot bodies ve8 buggy. axial xr10 will be my next. or maybe a blitz or 2.


  • ve8.jpg
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Nice buggy Troy!

Besides my crawlers, this is my latest RC. Baja 5T, super fun in the dunes!


I do not have any rc cars ... but really really fast air planes
and helicopters & Boats

Here is a short clip 171 mph !! Electric Airplane !

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBqqwWYI6uw]YouTube - RiteWingRc 171 MPH[/ame]

Here is another clip of me flying 3d hovering

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwFxmf0iv9Y]YouTube - TimKatana[/ame]

and by far my favorite night flyer there might of been a little alcohol involved in this flight......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUFusJD6Tbs]YouTube - hibib ify[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp8JbSIClU8]YouTube - Hellraisers Krawler Kompound 1[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQLapBBUabk]YouTube - HELLRAISERS KRAWLER KOMPOUND 2[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqtMhHn_MnU]YouTube - Hellraisers Krawler Kompound[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rw3pPRtHDUU]YouTube - Hellraiser RC Crawler Compound.avi[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9TLoYaAmAc]YouTube - Sancho's Honcho.wmv[/ame]
sb fab tommy's new blitz that i wrapped. now it matches his race rhino.


  • sb-blitz.jpg
    553.7 KB · Views: 74
im liking this site already,

ill get some pics for you guys of my rc's, here's my list as of now. Hyper 10sc, sc10, B4, Losi 8ight, Baja 5B, Drifter, Stampede
My Chuckwagon crawler with Flat Irons.


My Slash with the old body. It got messed up racing at Magnum. The jumps were expanded metal (cheese grader)!!!! So much fun racing on polished concrete.


Alot of fun for sure.I started making bags to carry these toys in,I need to know what the demintions of the 5t are,height,lenght,and width any body want a bag get me the measurements.Thanks Dennis
I've been looking at the Traxxas slash 4x4 ultimate rtr kit.($449.00) Is this a good way to go for ripping it up around camp at places like Ocotillo? Should I save $100 bucks and go with the regular slash4x4 rtr kit?($349.00) Or should I go with an Associated or Losi setup? I will NOT be taking it to a local track for racing as I'm on a BUDGET. I have been out of the R/C scene for about 15 years, and now that my kid is liking his cheap r/c toys it's time to get back into it again. Thanks for any input in advance, Erik
The slash 4x4 rtr kit is good for bashing,do you have a charger?Thw rtr kit comes with truck,radio,battery,esc and motor,and the body is painted.The other kit comes with a clear body,no battery,no radio.The sc10 is more for racing it takes a little more skill to drive,its 2wd only. stay away from losi! just my.02
I was going to get a 3s 4500mah battery and lipo charger. Is that sound like a good battery ? I just want to do the battery once, not work my way up using cheaper batterys. Is the battery that comes with it any good?
A 3s 4500 is a great battery,a ton of speed and power.The battery that comes with it is a 7 cell hump packs weights about 1 pound ,its ok for a nimh,nothing like a lippo they are much better.I run a 2s 4000 hard case and it is plenty to clear the big doubles at the track.

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