EPS stopped working!?!! Help please!


SilverBulletXP4 Sucka!
Ok so I lawn darted my xp4 pretty good, checked the suspension and steering parts over and over again and all looks good. Problem is ever since I nosed it the power steering won't work. The warning light is on. I checked the relay and it's still good.

Anyone have anything like this happen?
Does it turn left when you turn the key on? If so the steering box has been damaged and your going have to replace it.
Does it turn left when you turn the key on? If so the steering box has been damaged and your going have to replace it.

It doesn't do anything when you turn the key on... No movement at all. It's almost as if the power steering doesn't exist at all. And the arming light on the instrument cluster is on.

And what/where is there EPS control module?
There should be a control box for your EPS. If it's not visible then it's probably under the dash. It controls speed sensitivity to the wheels. Do you have a shop manual? I'm sure there is a free copy on here or on the RZR forum. You said you checked all your fuses right. There will be one for your eps.
Sounds like it knocked a connection loose. Most likely something that is simple to fix but hard to find.

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There should be a control box for your EPS. If it's not visible then it's probably under the dash. It controls speed sensitivity to the wheels. Do you have a shop manual? I'm sure there is a free copy on here or on the RZR forum. You said you checked all your fuses right. There will be one for your eps.

K, I have looked under the dash it's all one big unit... I'll bet the control
Module is part of the EPS itself... Internal to it... Might have to yank it off and rip it apart
Before you start tearing it apart, if it is all one unit there could other functions of your RZR being run by it. Take it in for a diagnostic before taking it apart...IMO.

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