Common Ground by Jeff Knoll (PLEASE READ)



This is without a doubt the most important piece has ever posted on our site. Jeff Knoll poured countless hours into creating this document and I hope all of you can take the time to read, comment, and SHARE it amongst your friends and family.


While fighting for Land Use may not seem like the coolest of things to read about or share, it is in fact as off-roaders the most important thing we can do to preserve our sport. recognizes our responsibility in helping the individuals like Jeff and the organizations out there fighting on a daily basis so that we can enjoy the sport we all love. Most importantly they are preserving it for our children, and our children's children.

This stuff is getting serious. The government does not give a rats ass about off-roading. That means we have to not only unite but we have to also fight 10 times harder then anyone else out there so that we can not only make our voices hear but also respected.

Johnson Valley is only the first of what surely has been and will be many more attempts by the government to take our OHV lands. So stand up, and help strengthen the voice of the off road community!!!

Click the image below and donate!!

It's awesome to see all of the OHV groups unite for one goal. Jeff has gone leaps and bounds above the call of duty for this fight along with countless other individuals to make sure we have a place to ride.

Its now a STICKY!
Its sad looking at the numbers. The thread about the New Rhino has 3539 views and a ton of link backs. This thread has 147 views. Everyone needs to remember new models dont matter if we have no place to use them. Please get behind this campaign to SAVE THE HAMMERS. Share this on your facebook, add it to your blogs, send it to your contact list, add it to your team websites.

Do your part to save our land.....
Its not to far out in the future for Offroading in California that it will be a Memory. Something people will say they used to do. :eek:
Excelent job Jeff! I can't tell you how much I appreciate your efforts for all of us!
All of us at rugged appreciate the efforts you put into that article Jeff. Land use directly effects our business and not to mention my own personal sanity :p
Thanks Guys, This info is only good if you do three things.
1.) Share it
2.) participate in OHV Lobby days the first and last week of April Please see ORBA.BIZ for info.
3.) Talk everyone you know into making the effort.

This document is being used in DC right now, and our Lobbyists need constituents to back them up.

We are winning people, in 20 years of this stuff this is the best I have seen so far. UNITY makes us strong.
Thanks to all of you involved in your efforts to save Johnson Valley. The Marine take over would not just affect the Hammers but a way of life for many of the residents here. The off road people are who keep many of our local businesses going and without that income would go under! This area would become a ghost town!:(
Done. Let's see if I get a response from Mr. cook.

"Dear Mr. Cook,

I know you are a very busy man and appreciate any time you can make to discuss the current situation concerning the Johnson Valley Annex. I'm sure you are well aware of the current situation, so I won't belabor this correspondence with details. I would like to solicit you for 30 minutes of your time at your earliest convenience to hear this constituents input concerning the looming closure of 2/3 of the largest open off road recreation area in the United States. I will accommodate your schedule, so please feel free to pencil me in where appropriate. I live in Hesperia (92345) so I would prefer something close to my area or within ~40mi.

Thank you for your time.

Best regards,

Dan Kiewicz jr"

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