Clear Creek-A Step in the right Direction


Here is an email a buddy forwarded regarding one of my favorite riding spots...

Dear John,
This Great News regarding Clear Creek just came in from Mike Wubbels of the Friends of Clear Creek. Thanks to all the organizations who have worked so hard to make this happen and to those of you who attended the meeting and sent emails
Here is the News from Mike:
The Best News in 23 Months
Today April 6, 2010 the San Benito County Board of Supervisor made history by voting unanimously to reopen all of the closed roads in the Clear Creek Management Area. This does not mean that you can go out and ride in Clear Creek, but you can once again travel any of the county roads without the fear of being ticketed or thrown in jail. This was done over the requests of the BLM’s Hollister Field Office Manager Rick Copper who asked that the board keep the roads closed till the Record of Decision comes out. Mr. Copper was asked by the board when that was and he replied maybe as early as January 2011?
We ask that all Americans who will be visiting and driving thru the Clear Creek Management Area in the near and foreseeable future to observe the rules by staying on the county roads and not go off of them. We must learn to police ourselves thru these trying times knowing that the ultimate outcome will be a full return to the type of riding we used to know at the creek. If just a few abuse this sweet victory it will be short lived and give cause for the BLM to find ways to revoke what we have fought so hard to achieve.
If you see someone breaking the rules, please take a moment and educate them to what is at stake for all of the OHV community and the public if we lose this victory. I believe full heartedly that if we stand united together, that in the foreseeable future we will once again ride and enjoy all that the Creek has to offer every one of us and the family experiences it has provide for many of us throughout the years.
This day will forever live in the history books as a pivotal point for the OHV community and the American Public. The impacts of today’s decisions are being watched all across this great country of ours, and the impacts of these decisions will shape the future of OHV and the way our Public Lands are managed. After all Public Lands belong to the Public and not the government agencies managing them. Remember the CONSTITUTION says that the federal government CAN NOT OWN OUR PUBLIC LANDS but can only manage them.
Please pass this information on to as many people as you can, and remember that UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL. Please remember that there is still a great amount of hard work ahead for all. Enjoy this hard fought victory, but do not let up the pressure to accept anything short of full unrestricted access to the Clear Creek Management Area.
Mike Wubbels
Friends of Clear Creek

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The campaign to Open Clear Creek is supported by Friends of Clear Creek Management Area, AMA District 36, AMA National, California Off Road Vehicle Association (CORVA), Salinas Ramblers Motorcycle Club, Stewards of the Sierra National Forest, Timekeepers Motorcycle Club and Save The Trails[/FONT]

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