California's Politicians are at it Again! Time to Fight!


Space Cadet - UTVUnderground's La Familia

California's (or Commiefornia for some as I've seen it stated) State Assembly is about to change two very critical things if we don't stop them and we all need to take action!

It would be very nice if the UTVUG Executive Staff could show up and maybe bring a little muscle from industry who have a great deal of skin in the OHV game right now. JoeyD? Rusty?

The first is the movement of oversight from the USFS to the Parks and Recreation Department. I'm not sure what that means but our good friend in the USFS and our Adopt A Trail boss for the San Bernardino trails Gregg Hoffman, has asked to have a gigantic turn out of UTV owners and USFS trail users at a meeting being held at the Sizzler Restaurant 1461 Rimpau Ave in Corona Ca Wednesday March 15th 2017 at 7pm to 9pm. You can show up at 6pm and enjoy dinner (on your dime of course.).

The second issue is SB-429. Item 3 in the OHV section.

Once again the crooks in Sacramento are sticking their hands in our pockets. We need to write our assembly representatives and tell them to leave our monies alone!!! The gist of the proposal states:

(3) Existing law requires any money temporarily transferred from the Off-Highway Vehicle Trust Fund to the General Fund to be reimbursed, without interest, within 2 fiscal years of the transfer.

This bill would delete this provision.
(Huh???!!!! Blasphemy!!!)

You can read the entire OHV section here:"off+road"
BTW, Mr. Hoffman has a bad feeling so it's definitely not good news for us...

California's (or Commiefornia for some as I've seen it stated) State Assembly is about to change two very critical things if we don't stop them and we all need to take action!

It would be very nice if the UTVUG Executive Staff could show up and maybe bring a little muscle from industry who have a great deal of skin in the OHV game right now. JoeyD? Rusty?

The first is the movement of oversight from the USFS to the Parks and Recreation Department. I'm not sure what that means but our good friend in the USFS and our Adopt A Trail boss for the San Bernardino trails Gregg Hoffman, has asked to have a gigantic turn out of UTV owners and USFS trail users at a meeting being held at the Sizzler Restaurant 1461 Rimpau Ave in Corona Ca Wednesday March 15th 2017 at 7pm to 9pm. You can show up at 6pm and enjoy dinner (on your dime of course.).

The second issue is SB-429. Item 3 in the OHV section.

Once again the crooks in Sacramento are sticking their hands in our pockets. We need to write our assembly representatives and tell them to leave our monies alone!!! The gist of the proposal states:

(3) Existing law requires any money temporarily transferred from the Off-Highway Vehicle Trust Fund to the General Fund to be reimbursed, without interest, within 2 fiscal years of the transfer.

This bill would delete this provision.
(Huh???!!!! Blasphemy!!!)

You can read the entire OHV section here:"off+road"

We will help get the word out.
SB 249 Done wrote em check out CORVA. NOT 429

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Lol!!! Sorry, a little dyslexic there We'll at least I got the link right! Thanks for pointing that out Doug.

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Thanks for posting the link The more people that know the better off we will be . Everyone that off roads should join CORVA,AmA ASA etc etc anything to help

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Fuckin state hates off roaders but still likes your money. California sucks balls

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Well, tonight's meeting was great. SB249 was trounced but there's a new bill AB 1077 that is being introduced and backed by CORVA.

Although SB249 was defeated someone said it's still alive but mortally wounded.

La Famillia also received recognition for our adopt a trail volunteer work. Thanks to all who have joined us over the past year and given their time to help maintain our trails. Your efforts have been recognized.

Here's the plaque we received


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ASA, Corva and all. Of the off road groups need to go on offense and start suing the pants off the government just like the Libs Environazis like to do it. Squeaky wheel gets greased.

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