The Lyin King
Public Lands Advocate
Dear BRC Action Alert Subscriber,
Attention California Recreationists!
As many of you already know, the State of California is in fiscal meltdown. One victim of the current budgetary crisis is the CA OHV program. It is one of the very few self-funded "user-pay/user-benefit" government programs in the state. The California legislature has already "borrowed" and diverted $90 million dollars from the OHV Trust Fund to other non-OHV-related programs.
Now the folks under the dome in Sacramento are considering any number of untenable options, including the borrowing of any remaining funds, gutting the program and moving into "regular" state parks, or cutting the basic operating budget of Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR) that funds state OHV parks and provides grants to other land agencies.
If there is one time you send a letter to Sacramento... it is TODAY. Send your letter and get as many of your friends to do the same. BRC has provided a sample letter that you can cut and paste and FAX to the following legislators, including the chairperson of each committee. You may also look up your own state representative using BRC's Rapid Response Center. Just type in your zip code at Rapid Response Center - BlueRibbon Coalition and click GO.
Read more here . . . California OHV Funding In Jeopardy! - BRC Action Alert
Dear BRC Action Alert Subscriber,
Attention California Recreationists!
As many of you already know, the State of California is in fiscal meltdown. One victim of the current budgetary crisis is the CA OHV program. It is one of the very few self-funded "user-pay/user-benefit" government programs in the state. The California legislature has already "borrowed" and diverted $90 million dollars from the OHV Trust Fund to other non-OHV-related programs.
Now the folks under the dome in Sacramento are considering any number of untenable options, including the borrowing of any remaining funds, gutting the program and moving into "regular" state parks, or cutting the basic operating budget of Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR) that funds state OHV parks and provides grants to other land agencies.
If there is one time you send a letter to Sacramento... it is TODAY. Send your letter and get as many of your friends to do the same. BRC has provided a sample letter that you can cut and paste and FAX to the following legislators, including the chairperson of each committee. You may also look up your own state representative using BRC's Rapid Response Center. Just type in your zip code at Rapid Response Center - BlueRibbon Coalition and click GO.
Read more here . . . California OHV Funding In Jeopardy! - BRC Action Alert