Cal-Neva Extreme Rockcrawling Series

The Lyin King

Public Lands Advocate
The new Cal-Neva Extreme Rockcrawling series (formerly CalROCS) will be adding an extra element to the mix and 4x4 racing...they are adding side by side racing as well!! Here's the 2011 schedule so don't miss out if you want to compete or just coming on out and watch the wicked action on these extreme natural courses.

Round 1 April 9-10 Exit28 Motorsports Park, Reno, Nevada
Round 2 May 14-15 Exit 28 Motorsports Park, Reno, Nevada
Round 3 July 9-10 Donner Ski Ranch Norden, California
Round 4 Aug. 20-21 Donner Ski Ranch Norden, California

Exit 28 Motorsports Park is a 100,000 acre full on bad azz place to wheel. There's everything from desert style racing to extremely rocky terrain that has been described by the pro's as "flat nasty" and "the hardest course ever".

Donner Ski Ranch is not only a beautiful place to be in the summer up in the coolness of the Sierra Nevada mountains but it too offers up some pretty mean wheelin. So put the dates on your calendars for next year and hopefully we'll see ya there!

More info about the series including rules etc here: CAL-NEVA EXTREME

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